Important Notice

. The leaked documentation below describes a version of Google's Content Warehouse API and provides a glimpse of Google Search’s inner workings, which may be inaccurate, incomplete and/ or outdated.

A large number of SEO professionals are using the details below to try to better understand how Google Search works, as well as make claims about Google's dishonesty around publicly made statements that seem to contradict some of the terminology and systems detailed below.


API client metadata for GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.


API calls for all endpoints tagged Projects.


Handle Tesla connections for GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.



  • id (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • subtype (type:String.t, default:nil) - Optional client specific subtype of abuse that is too specific to belong in the above enumeration. For example, some client may want to differentiate nudity from graphic sex, but both are PORNOGRAPHY.



  • ageYears (type:integer(), default:nil) - This restriction applies if the user is between [min_age_years, age_years) years old.

  • minAgeYears (type:integer(), default:nil) -



  • child (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AbuseiamUserRestriction.t), default:nil) - This restriction applies if all of the children apply.


A client is be a Google product, or subproduct that provides content for AbuseIAm to classify.



  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - A constant of type TRUE always applies, and of type FALSE never applies.


Pair of Verdicts used for ProjectR age/geo gating. See http://go/projectr for more information.


Backends return Evaluations to AbuseIAm. One of the things Evaluations are used for is to explain Verdicts.


A node representing a table of regions and restrictions that apply to those regions. This table understands region inclusion and knows to apply the most specific rule, for example, a rule for France would override a rule for the EU for a user in France.



  • location (type:String.t, default:nil) - The location where the restriction applies. Defaults to the "The world". See go/iii.

  • restriction (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AbuseiamUserRestriction.t, default:nil) - The UserRestriction that applies to this location. If not specified evaluates to true.


Information about various hashes that can be computed on a message ex: simhash, attachment hash, etc



  • name (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • nonUtf8Value (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • child (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AbuseiamUserRestriction.t), default:nil) - This restriction applies if the child does not apply. Only one is allowed. "repeated" is used to avoid breaking Sawzall (See b/6758277).



  • child (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AbuseiamUserRestriction.t), default:nil) - This restriction applies if any of the children apply.



  • region (type:String.t, default:nil) - This is a CLDR Region Code: http://wiki/Main/IIIHowTo#using_region It is used to denote the region affected by a verdict.


A SpecialRestriction is a standardized UserRestriction which lives in a table maintained via CDD.



  • id (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) -


A structure used to configure a notification to a user.


Describes restrictions on where the verdict applies. Please use {@code TakedownManager} to evaluate this proto.


Verdict against a target. AbuseIAm generates a verdict based on evaluations. AbuseIAm can send such verdicts to clients for enforcement.


Describes restrictions on where the verdict applies.


Describes a dimension of a context where a verdict applies.


The serialized form of a SORI id. NOTE that this proto is stored in V4/O4 index and that new fields should not be added without getting an agreement from the serving team as well.



  • anchor (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AnchorsAnchor.t), default:nil) -

  • homepageAnchorsDropped (type:String.t, default:nil) - The total # of local homepage anchors dropped in AnchorAccumulator.

  • indexTier (type:integer(), default:nil) - The index tier from which the anchors were extracted. Note that this is only valid in the anchor record written by linkextractor. The value can be one of the enum values defined in segindexer/types.h.

  • localAnchorsDropped (type:String.t, default:nil) - The total # of local non-homepage anchors dropped in AnchorAccumulator.

  • nonlocalAnchorsDropped (type:String.t, default:nil) - The total # of non-local anchors dropped in AnchorAccumulator.

  • redundantAnchorsDropped (type:String.t, default:nil) - The *_anchors_dropped fields below are not populated by Alexandria, which uses cdoc.anchor_stats instead. The total # of redundant anchors dropped in linkextractor.

  • redundantanchorinfo (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AnchorsRedundantAnchorInfo.t), default:nil) -

  • supplementalAnchorsDropped (type:String.t, default:nil) - The total # of supplemental anchors dropped in AnchorAccumulator. ## DEPRECATED.

  • targetDocid (type:String.t, default:nil) - may be implicit

  • targetSite (type:String.t, default:nil) - HOST_LEVEL site chunking.

  • targetUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) - This is produced during link extraction but not written out in the linklogs in order to save space.



  • creationDate (type:integer(), default:nil) - used for history - the first and last time we have seen this anchor. creation_date also used for Freshdocs Twitter indexing, a retweet is an anchor of the original tweet. This field records the time when a retweet is created.

  • origText (type:String.t, default:nil) - Original text, including capitalization and punctuation. Runs of whitespace are collapsed into a single space.

  • context2 (type:integer(), default:nil) - This is a hash of terms near the anchor. (This is a second-generation hash replacing the value stored in the 'context' field.)

  • fontsize (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • experimental (type:boolean(), default:nil) - If true, the anchor is for experimental purposes and should not be used in serving.

  • fragment (type:String.t, default:nil) - The URL fragment for this anchor (the foo in

  • sourceType (type:integer(), default:nil) - is to record the quality of the anchor's source page and is correlated with but not identical to the index tier of the source page. In the docjoins built by the indexing pipeline (Alexandria), - Anchors marked TYPE_HIGH_QUALITY are from base documents. - Anchors marked TYPE_MEDIUM_QUALITY are from documents of medium quality (roughly but not exactly supplemental tier documents). - Anchors marked TYPE_LOW_QUALITY are from documents of low quality (roughly but not exactly blackhole documents). Note that the source_type can also be used as an importance indicator of an anchor (a lower source_type value indicates a more important anchor), so it is important to enforce that TYPE_HIGH_QUALITY < TYPE_MEDIUM_QUALITY < TYPE_LOW_QUALITY To add a new source type in future, please maintain the proper relationship among the types as well. TYPE_FRESHDOCS, only available in freshdocs indexing, is a special case and is considered the same type as TYPE_HIGH_QUALITY for the purpose of anchor importance in duplicate anchor removal.

  • pagerankWeight (type:number(), default:nil) - Weight to be stored in linkmaps for pageranker

  • isLocal (type:boolean(), default:nil) - The bit ~roughly~ indicates whether an anchor's source and target pages are on the same domain. Note: this plays no role in determining whether an anchor is onsite, ondomain, or offdomain in mustang (i.e., the bit above).

  • originalTargetDocid (type:String.t, default:nil) - The docid of the anchor's original target. This field is available if and only if the anchor is forwarded.

  • fullLeftContext (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - The full context. These are not written out in the linklogs.

  • expired (type:boolean(), default:nil) - true iff exp domain

  • catfishTags (type:list(integer()), default:nil) - CATfish tags attached to a link. These are similar to link tags, except the values are created on the fly within Cookbook. See: http://sites/cookbook/exporting/indexing

  • deletionDate (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • linkTags (type:list(integer()), default:nil) - Contains info on link type, source page, etc.

  • forwardingTypes (type:integer(), default:nil) - How the anchor is forwarded to the canonical, available only for forwarded anchors (i.e., the field is set). The forwarding types are defined in URLForwardingUtil (segindexer/segment-indexer-util.h). Always use URLForwardingUtil to access this field and use URLForwardingUtil::GetAnchorForwardingReason to get the explanation how the anchor is forwarded to the canonical. NOTE: Use with caution as it is only set for docjoins generated using the urlmap from repository/updater.

  • possiblyOldFirstseenDate (type:boolean(), default:nil) - DEPRECATED. It used to be set if firstseen_date is not set. It's to indicate that the anchor is possibly old, but we don't have enough information to tell until the linkage map is updated. TODO(hxu) rename it to possibly_old_firstseen_date_DEPRECATED after clean up other dependencies.

  • locality (type:integer(), default:nil) - For ranking purposes, the quality of an anchor is measured by its "locality" and "bucket". See quality/anchors/definitions.h for more information.

  • demotionreason (type:integer(), default:nil) - DEPRECATED

  • parallelLinks (type:integer(), default:nil) - The number of additional links from the same source page to the same target domain. Not populated if is_local is true.

  • text (type:String.t, default:nil) - Space-delimited anchor words. Text that needs segmentation (like CJK or Thai) is unsegmented, since we set FLAGS_segment_during_lexing to false in .

  • source (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AnchorsAnchorSource.t, default:nil) -

  • bucket (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • fullRightContext (type:list(String.t), default:nil) -

  • targetUrlEncoding (type:integer(), default:nil) - A given target URL may be found in different encodings in different documents. We store the URL encoding with each source anchor so that we can count them later to find the encoding most likely to be expected by the Web site. Around 0.7% of target URLs are expected to require a non-default value here. The default value 0 is referenced in C++ as webutil::kDefaultUrlEncoding. See also webutil/urlencoding.

  • compressedOriginalTargetUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) - The anchor's original target url, compressed. Available only in Alexandria docjoins when the anchor is forwarded.

  • firstseenDate (type:integer(), default:nil) - # days past Dec 31, 1994, 23:00:00 UTC (Unix time @788914800) that this link was first seen. Should never occupy more than 15 bits. NOTE: this is NOT the same as creation_date; firstseen_date is filled during link extraction

  • setiPagerankWeight (type:number(), default:nil) - TEMPORARY

  • context (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • linkAdditionalInfo (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.Proto2BridgeMessageSet.t, default:nil) - Additional information related to the anchor, such as additional anchor text or scores.

  • type (type:integer(), default:nil) - DEPRECATED: Now in link_tags

  • firstseenNearCreation (type:boolean(), default:nil) - true if we think 'firstseen_date' is an accurate estimate of when the link was actually added to the source page. false if it may have existed for some time before we saw it.

  • lastUpdateTimestamp (type:integer(), default:nil) - Used for history and freshness tracking - the timestamp this anchor is updated in indexing.

  • offset (type:integer(), default:nil) - This is the offset for the first term in the anchor - it can be used as a unique ID for the anchor within the document and compared against all per-tag data. This is measured in bytes from the start of the document. We write this out to the linklogs to recover the original order of links after source/target forwarding. This is necessary for computing the global related data.

  • weight (type:integer(), default:nil) - weights are 0-127

  • deleted (type:boolean(), default:nil) -

  • encodedNewsAnchorData (type:integer(), default:nil) - Encoded data containing information about newsiness of anchor. Populated only if anchor is classified as coming from a newsy, high quality site. Encoded data for anchor sources are being stored in googledata/quality/freshness/news_anchors/encoded_news_anchors_data.txt Scores are being computed with quality/freshness/news_anchors/ routines.

  • compressedImageUrls (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - If the anchor contained images, these image urls are stored here in compressed form.

  • timestamp (type:String.t, default:nil) - This field is DEPRECATED and no longer filled. For source page crawl timestamp, use Source.crawl_timestamp. Next tag id should be 62.


attributes of the source document for the link


NOTE: in docjoins, the following anchor sampling information is only ## available in the first record of a document (under the same docid). The total number of redundant anchors dropped per (domain, text) in linkextractor. If we receive a large number of anchors from a particular domain, then we'll throw out all but a sampling of them from that domain. The data is sorted by the (domain,text) pairs. This field is not populated by Alexandria, which uses cdoc.anchor_stats instead.


Represents a GSuite customer ID. Obfuscated with CustomerIdObfuscator.


Contains info about the entity that something is, or is owned by.


Intentionally empty. Used to disambiguate consumer and customer use cases in oneof below.



  • customerId (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsDynamiteCustomerId.t, default:nil) -


Contains info on membership count for member types: HUMAN_USER, APP_USER & ROSTER_MEMBER different states: INVITED, JOINED



  • value (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsDynamiteSharedSegmentedMembershipCount.t), default:nil) -


A DestinationStream is a /namespace/id[0]/id[1]/.../id[n] that represents a collection of Activities. Example destinations: -The Profile Stream on -A Square Stream on -A "comment Stream" (Fountain) on It's possible for a single Activity to show in each of these destinations - and it might behave/look slightly differently for each one. Destinations can have their own business logic associated with them at both write-time and read-time server-side (these are documented below). Each DestinationStream is indexed and can be retrieved using the GetDestinationStreamRequest. For the repeated ID space indexing happens at all levels, e.g. if you have: /square/123/abc /square/123/efd /square/456 You can fetch /square/123/abc directly or /square/123 (which includes all Activities in both /square/123/abc and /square/123/efd), or even /square which retrieves all Activities in the Square namespace (visible for that user). On the storage layer, we represent DestinationStream as Channel (http://cs/#google3/social/common/channel/channel.proto), since the storage does not have the concept of a Stream. Both terms are used interchangeably within the service layer, but client of Social Infrastructure should use the term DestinationStream. Next ID: 3


Stores the number of different kind of user engagement actions. Abuse Report is also consider an engagement. Currently we only have abuse report engagements but in future we might add other types of engagements as well.



  • contentType (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • safeHtmlValue (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.WebutilHtmlTypesSafeHtmlProto.t, default:nil) - Sanitized HTML value that is only populated when the SANITIZE_ABOUT_HTML extension is requested.

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Extension data for use in AboutMe.


See NameDisplayOptions in //depot/google3/focus/backend/proto/backend.proto. See also go/nickname-mess.



  • diffData (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiAboutMeExtendedDataPhotosCompareDataDiffData.t, default:nil) -

  • highResUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • inconsistentPhoto (type:boolean(), default:nil) - True if photo diff is greater than 0.01 on any color band, or if the user has a low res photo but no high res photo. This field is primarily for use in About Me and for other uses it's recommended to use the DiffData values directly instead. The cutoff is based on a heuristic determined in go/comparing-profile-photos

  • lowResData (type:String.t, default:nil) - Only present if the photo diff is greater than 0.01 on any color band.

  • lowResUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • monogramUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • privateLowResAcl (type:boolean(), default:nil) - True if the low-res photo has a private ACL set.



  • blueDiff (type:number(), default:nil) -

  • greenDiff (type:number(), default:nil) -

  • redDiff (type:number(), default:nil) -


See UserEditedLockedMask in //depot/google3/focus/backend/proto/backend.proto.


See ABUSE_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED in //depot/google3/focus/backend/proto/backend.proto which maps to //depot/google3/focus/proto/profileattribute.proto



  • email (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Additional information about a container. TO BE DELETED: replaced by DeviceContactInfo.



  • country (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • countryCode (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • encodedPlaceId (type:String.t, default:nil) - FeatureId associated with the address. The format is the same as that used for ids in PLACE containers in SourceIdentity.

  • extendedAddress (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • formatted (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • formattedType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • locality (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • poBox (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • pointSpec (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPointSpec.t, default:nil) -

  • postalCode (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • region (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • streetAddress (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of the address. The type can be free form or one of these predefined values: homework * other


Similar to, but pared down to what the clients of the People API are interested in.


Please read go/people-api-howto:age on how to get age data. Message for the Person.age_range_repeated field. Replaces the existing Person.age_range field.


Store all app unique info that are needed for app action fulfillment.


The best suggested name to use for the Person from the available source fields, which may include FileAs, Name, Org, Email, IM, Phone, ... Rough source container priority order is Contact, then Profile, then Place.


IMPORTANT NOTES: - Requesting person.birthday requires membership in the purpose limited data ACL group sgbe-ac-d-birthday-(read|mutate). Contact people-api-eng@ for assistance with initial setup. - The birthday field should not be used to calculate the requester's age! To determine the requester's age, use person.age_range_repeated. - For more details about age see go/peopleapi-howto/age Birthday value may not be present: - Consumer users generally required to have account birthday set (required at account creation), though some users created via legacy flows may not have birthday present. - Dasher users generally don't require birthday, but could optionally have it set by users. - Any other types of accounts (e.g. robot, service) do not have birthdays. - Account Birthday field may be present but without birthday value set for grace period birthday (provisional new birthday). For users that do have birthday data: - "Profile Birthday" (person.birthday.metadata.container is PROFILE) may not have a year set if user "hides" the year. - "Account Birthday" (see api-specific notes below) will only be returned for the requester's own profile. - People API (go/peopleapi): Account birthday is only supported in GetPeople for PeopleAPI. If account birthday is needed, use a request mask with: include_field { paths: "person.birthday" }include_container: ACCOUNT - People API++ (go/peopleapi++): Account birthday is supported for most apis in PeopleAPI++. If account birthday is needed, use a request mask with: include_field { paths: "person.account_birthday" }include_container: PROFILE (note: it will also need include_container: DOMAIN_PROFILE because they must be requested together: go/people-api-masks#profile-domain_profile) - See go/papi-vs-papi++#birthday for more details.


Whether this field is set or not determines whether an account is in the grace period. While in the grace period, the user is unable to change their birthday on their own, and will be age-disabled if they don't act in a limited amount of time. Applies only to ServiceData Birthday. Users enter the grace period if they choose a birthday below the Age of Consent (go/aoc). After the grace period ends, the account will be age disabled. See go/age-disable-grace-period-dd.


Information provided within MutateDataRequest when setting a user into AgeDisableGracePeriod manually. When the grace period expires, this info will be forwarded to Gaia when disabling the user. cs//symbol:InitiateAgeDisableGracePeriodArguments



  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


A url to the person's calendar. As of 03/2018 is not supported for user Profile.



  • callerIdSource (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiCallerIdExtendedDataCallerIdSource.t, default:nil) - Indicates which data source was used to populate the caller ID result



  • sourceType (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Information related to domain administrator (or authority) certification of a users age.



  • channelId (type:String.t, default:nil) - Unique ID that corresponds to a Youtube channel.

  • commentCount (type:String.t, default:nil) - Number of comments for a given Youtube channel.

  • description (type:String.t, default:nil) - Description of the channel.

  • playlistCount (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • profilePictureUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) - A FIFE URL pointing to the channel's profile image (go/avatar-fife-urls) with default fife url options. Also refer to go/people-api-concepts:photos for People API's FIFE best practices. The image could be up to a couple of days stale, though it is much fresher in practice. If a fresh image is required, contact the YouTubeAccountProfileService. The URL itself expires ~30 days after generation.

  • profileUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) - URL of user's Youtube channel profile.

  • subscriberCount (type:String.t, default:nil) - Number of subscribers for a given Youtube channel.

  • title (type:String.t, default:nil) - Title of the YouTube channel

  • usesYoutubeNames (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether or not the channel's profile has a title/avatar that is canonical in YouTube. Used to determine if the product profile card should be part of the core persona or have their own persona.

  • videoCount (type:String.t, default:nil) - Number of videos uploaded in a given Youtube channel.


A circle membership that the person has. A circle membership is created by adding a person to a circle by person-id or by email.


Arbitrary client data that is populated based on the client


Email for Google product communication with the user. This is only allowed in ServiceData. It is purely synthesized and read-only, and contains at most one field. It proxies from RawCommunicationEmail and only includes the primary field if exists. Otherwise if RawCommunicationEmail does not have primary, this includes a field synthesized from valid Gaia primary account email. Otherwise if Gaia primary account email is invalid, this field is empty. See go/comm-email-use for more details.


Contact-level people-prompts settings and contact-level connection reminders. Part of go/people-prompts.


Contact creation timestamps and related metadata. See go/contact-edit-history. This message is a pure wrapper of the shared ContactCreactionContext message so that it can be a top-level person field. No other fields should be added to the message.


Contact edit timestamps and related metadata. See go/contact-edit-history. This message is a pure wrapper of the shared ContactCreactionContext message so that it can be a top-level person field. No other fields should be added to the message.


A membership that the person has. The person can be a member of multiple circles and multiple contact-groups. A circle membership is created by adding a person to a circle by person-id or by email. A contact-group membership is created by adding a contact to a contact-group.


Contact level People Prompt settings. This message is a pure wrapper of the shared ContactPromptSettings message so that it can be a top-level person field. No other fields should be added to the message.


Contact state and related metadata. See go/fbs-contacts-trash. This message is a pure wrapper of the shared ContactState message so that it can be a top-level person field. No other fields should be added to the message.


CoverPhoto is the long banner photo (also called full bleed photo) at the top of G+ profile page.


Custom fields associated with a person, from the custom schema defined on the domain. See go/custompeopleapi and go/customfocus. NOTE: these are only updatable via Cloud Directory (go/cd).


Contains customer data for profile owner proxied from D3.


Container information for deduping. When two fields have the same value and only differ by field.metadata a service implementation can choose to avoid duplicating the fields and instead set field.metadata.other_deduped_containers This type can include information on the dedupe type (for example, strict value match vs. lenient value match)


Information related to delegated group that this contact belongs to.


Extra metadata for an aggregated or raw device contact.


Unique id for an aggregated device contact.


Device contact information.



  • containerId (type:String.t, default:nil) - The container ID of the entity this field creates a join to. See

  • containerType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of container that this edge points to. See SourceIdentity.container_type.

  • extendedData (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiEdgeKeyInfoExtensionData.t, default:nil) - Data that is added to the proto by peopleapi read extensions.

  • materialized (type:boolean(), default:nil) - True indicates this edge links this source to a container represented by this person object. Note: Except for certain legacy clients, EdgeKeyInfo is only created for for edges to an entity in this person and this will always be true.



  • gdataCompatibilityExtensionId (type:String.t, default:nil) - The GDataCompatibilityExtension will (temporarily) return mobile_owner_id for profile containers.



  • certificate (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiEmailCertificate.t), default:nil) -

  • classification (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • contactGroupPreference (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiEmailContactGroupPreference.t), default:nil) - To read or update, use the CONTACT_GROUP_PREFERENCE mask field.

  • displayName (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • extendedData (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiEmailExtendedData.t, default:nil) -

  • formattedType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • signupEmailMetadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiEmailSignupEmailMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of the email address. The type can be free form or one of these predefined values: homework * other

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Represents a S/MIME certificate config for use with Gmail. See //caribou/smime/proto/certificate_status.proto. There can be zero or more certificates associated with an email address, be it profile email or contact email.


Minimal S/MIME certificate status i.e. two fields per email address.


Preferred email addresses for contact groups.


Extension data for a person email.


Additional metadata for a signup email. This will only be set if the email's classification is SIGNUP_EMAIL.


Emergency info for Person. See go/emergency-trusted-contacts-papi.



  • calendarDay (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.GoogleTypeDate.t, default:nil) - Event are more accurately represented as a calendar day that does not depend on a timestamp representation at all. When given a timestamp, there are lots of opportunities to make mistakes, so a CalendarDay proto is replacing timestamps. PeopleApi will return these values on reads, and unless the client is a legacy caller in the legacy_timestamp_event_write_behavior_enabled capability allowlist, this value is what is used for Person writes.

  • formattedType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • prompt (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.SocialGraphApiProtoPrompt.t, default:nil) - People Prompts settings for contact event data.

  • timestampMillis (type:String.t, default:nil) - Clients are recommended to read the calendar_day field instead of timestamp_millis. When writing events, new clients must set calendar_day instead of timestamp_millis. Events are currently represented as timestamp values, although the interpretation of these timestamp values is a calendar date. There are a few important details about how this value should be mapped to a calendar date that should be consistent among all clients. For detailed information, see Birthday.date_ms.

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of the event. The type can be free form or one of these predefined values: anniversaryother


External identifier associated with the person.


The field ACL. Currently only populated on profile fields for the profile owner. A Person field ACL; see http://go/peopleapi-acl



  • role (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • scope (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiFieldAclAclEntryScope.t, default:nil) -



  • allUsers (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Indicates that the field is accessible to all users including unauthenticated users. For some fields this means "to everyone except blocked users".

  • domainUsers (type:boolean(), default:nil) - This is a "synthetic" field. In reality domains are treated as gaia- groups. This field will be 'true' when the field is ACLed to the gaia-group of the requester's domain.

  • membership (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiFieldAclAclEntryScopeMembershipAcl.t, default:nil) -

  • person (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiFieldAclAclEntryScopePersonAcl.t, default:nil) - Indicates that the field is accessible to a person.


Used when the field is accessible to a membership that the person has.


Used when a field is accessible to a circle.


Used when a field is accessible to a legacy contact group. Contact groups are discouraged and may be deprecated soon. ContactGroupAcls are read-only. If they are included as part of an ACL on an Update, an exception is thrown.


Used when a field is accessible to a person. NOTE: ACLs to a circle or to a non-self person are no longer supported, so this can only be applied to the requester self.


Emergency information for Person field, such as Phone or Email. See go/emergency-trusted-contacts-papi.


The FileAs field in Contacts is used to override the DisplayName of a Contact for that User.


Extension data for use in GPay Product Profile. go/gpay-product-profile-1-pager Contact:


Gender in PeopleApi has some odd semantics about writing and reading that are not obvious from the proto definition. First, the type string, when read, always maps to the constrained domain of "male", "female", and "other", aside from a pathological case that PeopleApi would like to fix. There are two typical patterns: 1. type is either "male" or "female" and custom_type and address_me_as are exactly as specified by an update to PeopleApi, although they are most often absent for "male" and "female" writes. 2. type is "other" and custom_type is set to a freeform string from the request. address_me_as is equal to whatever was provided at write time. When writing, the free-form string for custom_type can come from either custom_type if the field is present on the request, or if custom_type is absent, the string value of type will be copied into it. Any value in type will be coerced to "other" and the free-form value will be copied into custom_type, even if type is exactly "other". Prefer to explicitly set custom_type and set type to "other" instead of setting type to a free-form value. There are weird edge cases when the value is "unknown". Consider the behavior for type == "unknown" unspecified. Clients reading the gender should use the value from formatted_type if type is "male" or "female". If type is "other", formatted_type will be "Other" (or some translation) and clients should read custom_type for more specificity.



  • contentRestriction (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • isEnterpriseUser (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Equivalent to having the DASHER_POLICY bit in the REGISTERED state.


Extension data for use in Hangouts.



  • originalLookupToken (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - Original lookup token from the request that resulted in this person or one of its containers.

  • previousPersonId (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - Any former IDs this person may have had, in the case that their ID may have changed. Populated only for sync requests. Examples of such changes include adding an edge to a contact that links to a profile. The ID will change from being contact-oriented to being profile-oriented. To be used to clear out old versions of a person.

  • sourceIds (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiSourceIdentity.t), default:nil) - A list of sources contributing to the merged person, including profiles (with gaia-id), contacts and synthetic-contacts.



  • formattedProtocol (type:String.t, default:nil) - The protocol translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • formattedType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • protocol (type:String.t, default:nil) - The protocol of the IM. The protocol can be free form or one of these predefined values: aimmsnyahooskypeqqgoogleTalkicqjabber * netMeeting

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of the IM. The type can be free form or one of these predefined values: homework * other

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


How and where to send notifications to this person in other apps, and why the requester can do so. See go/reachability for more info. "How" and "where" identify the recipient in a P2P Bridge (glossary/p2p bridge), and "why" may be helpful in a UI to disambiguate which of several ways may be used to contact the recipient. How: Via a Google profile or a reachable-only phone number that the requester has access to. Specified in the target "type" and "value". Where: Apps in which the profile/phone number owner may receive notifications. Specified in the repeated "app". Why: Which fields in, e.g., a contact associated with this person make the notification target info visible to the requester. Specified in the repeated originating_field param. Example: Alice has a contact Bob, with: Email 0 = Phone 0 = +12223334444 Phone 1 = +15556667777 Email 0 and Phone 0 let Alice see Bob's public profile (obfuscated gaia ID = 123). Public profiles are visible by email by default, and Bob has explicitly made it visible via Phone 0. Bob says people can send notifications to his public profile in YouTube. Phone 2 is associated with another Google profile that Bob owns, but he doesn't want others to see it. He is okay with people sending notifications to him in Who's Down if they have this phone number, however. There will be separate InAppNotificationTargets: one for Bob's public Google profile, and one for the second phone number, which is in his private profile. IANT #1 - targeting Bob's public profile (visible via Email 0 and Phone 0): app = [YOUTUBE] type = OBFUSCATED_GAIA_ID value = 123 originating_field: [ { field_type = EMAIL, field_index = 0 } // For Email 0 { field_type = PHONE, field_index = 0 } // For Phone 0 ] IANT #2 - targeting Bob's private profile phone number Phone 1: app = [WHOS_DOWN] type = PHONE value = +15556667777 originating_field: [ { field_type = PHONE, field_index = 1 } // For Phone 1 ]


Client-specific data pertaining to app reachability. No PII data or user content should be stored in this blob.


Info for identifying the specific field in this person that lets the requester send them notifications. These are typically fields added to a contact (e.g., email). There will not always be in originating field, typically in the case that whatever permits the requester to see this target info is not something that can be used on its own for contacting this person.


This is deprecated in PEOPLE_API/SHARPEN, and should only be used for PROFILES. Clients should use InAppNotificationTarget field instead. Which apps the person has indicated they are reachable at for the requester. See go/d13y and


Information pertaining to how this reachable state was established.


Defines interactions that are allowed or disallowed with this person.



  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


The value can either by a language code conforming to the IETF BCP 47 specification or a custom freeform value. By default the returned value is proxied from FBS Profile.Language. If include_account_locale is set on the MergePersonSourceOptions the language from go/uls is preferred and returned as primary along with a secondary language from FBS.



  • lat (type:float(), default:nil) -

  • lng (type:float(), default:nil) -


Fields used in legacy applications. Useful for joining legacy and new data streams. Most applications should not care about these fields.



  • limitedProfileSettings (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.SocialGraphApiProtoLimitedProfileSettings.t, default:nil) -

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -



  • buildingId (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • buildingName (type:String.t, default:nil) - The building_name field is only filled if the DESK_LOCATION_ADDITIONAL_DATA extension is active.

  • current (type:boolean(), default:nil) -

  • deskCode (type:String.t, default:nil) - Most specific textual description of individual desk location.

  • floorName (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • floorSection (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • lastUpdateTime (type:DateTime.t, default:nil) - Indicates the time this location was added or last edited.

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • source (type:String.t, default:nil) - Value indicates the origin of this location information.

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - Describes the type of location. E.g. Grew_up, Desk. Corresponds to FBS backend.proto Location.StandardTag

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • indirectManager (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiManagementUpchainIndirectManager.t), default:nil) - List of managers in the chain. If user has manager email "" and manager's manager has email "" then the list will be: [0]: { email: "" } [1]: { email: "" }

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • status (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • email (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • personId (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Extension data for use in Maps Product Profile.


Maps Profile Data. See go/product-profiles-backend-api.



  • clientData (type:String.t, default:nil) - Opaque data associated with this restriction e.g. abuse status.

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • anchorText (type:String.t, default:nil) - Anchor text to be displayed as clickable link. If not present, the URL should be displayed directly.

  • url (type:String.t, default:nil) - The URL to be linked to.


Represents the matching information for a field when there is a query.


All the substring that were matched for the given query against the current field. Represents a substring of another string.


A membership that the person has. The person can be a member of multiple circles and multiple contact-groups. A circle membership is created by adding a person to a circle by person-id or by email. A contact-group membership is created by adding a contact to a contact-group.



  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


See go/people-api-howto:names for an overview of name usage in PeopleAPI. The unstructured_name field contains a free form name value. The given_name, middle_name, family_name, etc, fields contain the structured name. For CONTACT mutates, (i.e. when Name.metadata.container is CONTACT), it is recommended for clients to set either the unstructured_name or the set of structured name fields, not both. When only the unstructured_name is set, it is parsed to produce a best-guess set of structured name values for the given_name, family_name, etc. When only the structured name fields are set, the various values are combined to produce an unstructured_name. * When both are set, the unstructured_name is saved as-is and the structured name fields are saved as-is. This may be confusing as they might not "match". For PROFILE mutates, (i.e. when Name.metadata.container is PROFILE), it is required for clients to use the structured name fields as the unstructured field value is ignored on write. The unstructured name fields are generated for convenience on read. For DEVICE_CONTACTS, see b/156020778.


Pronunciation audio metadata info. See go/name-pronunciation-backend. The metadata itself tracks the state of a user's name pronunciation audio.



  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


The periods that this place is open during the week. The periods are in chronological order, starting with today in the place-local timezone. An empty (but not absent) value indicates a place that is never open, e.g. because it is closed temporarily for renovations.



  • day (type:integer(), default:nil) - A day of the week, as an integer in the range 0-6. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.

  • time (type:String.t, default:nil) - A time in 24-hour "hhmm" format (i.e. range is 0000 to 2359).



  • close (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiOpeningHoursEndpoint.t, default:nil) -

  • open (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiOpeningHoursEndpoint.t, default:nil) -



  • assignment (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiOrganizationAssignment.t), default:nil) -

  • certification (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • costCenter (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • current (type:boolean(), default:nil) -

  • department (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • description (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • domain (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • endCalendarDay (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.GoogleTypeDate.t, default:nil) - Start and End Dates are better represented as calendar entities. The intention is to replace timestamps. Not set if no value exists. Clients can choose whether to use has* semantics or default value semantics. For writes, the default proto and an absent message are equivalent. Legacy callers in the legacy_timestamp_event_write_behavior_enabled capability allowlist should write to PeopleApi via end_ms and migrate to setting both so they can be removed from the whitelist.

  • endMs (type:String.t, default:nil) - Clients are encouraged to read the end_calendar_day instead. PeopleApi writes will still use end_ms for legacy callers that are in the legacy_timestamp_event_write_behavior_enabled capability allowlist. New writers must use the calendar_day fields.

  • endMsAsNumber (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • formattedStringType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The string_type translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • fteMilliPercent (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • importance (type:number(), default:nil) -

  • location (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • name (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • project (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiOrganizationProject.t), default:nil) -

  • startCalendarDay (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.GoogleTypeDate.t, default:nil) - Start and End Dates are better represented as calendar entities. The intention is to replace timestamps. Not set if no value exists. Clients can choose whether to use has* semantics or default value semantics. For writes, the default proto and an absent message are equivalent. Legacy callers in the legacy_timestamp_event_write_behavior_enabled capability allowlist should write to PeopleApi via start_ms and migrate to setting both so they can be removed from the allowlist.

  • startMs (type:String.t, default:nil) - Clients are encouraged to read the start_calendar_day instead. PeopleApi writes will still use start_ms for legacy callers that are in the legacy_timestamp_event_write_behavior_enabled capability allowlist. New writers must use the calendar_day fields.

  • startMsAsNumber (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • stringType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of the organization. The type can be free form or one of these predefined values: workschool

  • symbol (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • title (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • yomiName (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • name (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • url (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • description (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • name (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • role (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - Mapped from StandardProjectTag / CustomProjectTag

  • url (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • formattedType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • source (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of the event. The type depends on the OtherKeyword.source. OUTLOOK source fields must be one of: billing_informationdirectory_serverkeywordmileagesensitivityusersubject All other fields are treated as a CUSTOM source field. The value can be free form or one of these predefined values: homeotherwork

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Merged-person combines multiple sources of data like contacts and profiles. See go/people-api and go/understanding-merged-person NOTE: Why are all the fields repeated? See go/people-api-concepts#repeated


Client-specific binary blob stored with Person data. This differs from ClientData, which stores structured, key-value pairs.


Extension data for the whole person entity.


Metadata for a single Person field. See go/understanding-merged-person


A person list with total number specified.


Metadata for the entire Person resource.



  • rawMatchQualityScore (type:float(), default:nil) - Only populated on a SearchDirectoryPeople call, when results are scored. Contact people-directory-dev-team@ if you want to use this field.

  • stExpressionResults (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonMetadataScoringInfoStExpressionResult.t), default:nil) - Only populated on a SearchDirectoryPeople call that sends a request with StFieldSpecExpressions. - Used for linking indexed terms with query terms for go/better-name-matching - Name should be alphanumeric or underscores - Value should be an st expression following the syntax at go/stsyntax Contact people-directory-dev-team@ if you want to use this field.



  • name (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • canonicalizedForm (type:String.t, default:nil) - Canonicalized form that follows ITU-T E.164 international public telecommunication numbering plan.

  • emergencyInfo (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiFieldEmergencyInfo.t, default:nil) - Emergency information. See go/emergency-trusted-contacts-papi.

  • extendedData (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPhoneExtendedData.t, default:nil) - Read-only. Field requested by specifying HANGOUTS_PHONE_DATA in extension_set.extension_names.

  • formattedType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of the phone number. The type can be free form or one of these predefined values: homeworkmobilehomeFaxworkFaxotherFaxpagerworkMobileworkPagermaingoogleVoiceother

  • uri (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • structuredPhone (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiStructuredPhone.t, default:nil) - For use with Hangouts extension.



  • decoration (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.SocialGraphApiProtoDecorationOverlay.t), default:nil) - Read-only. Use UpdatePersonPhoto to change photo decorations. If this photo is decorated, this field contains information about its decorations. For now, this will contain at most one entry.

  • emojiAvatarUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) - URL of an emoji avatar as an image. See go/emoji-cdn. PeopleAPI will return the SVG format so that it can be scaled client side and so that the images will not be animated. All clients that use this field must also have fall-back handling for using the Photo.url field if this is empty. When we have FIFE-compatible emoji-image URLs we will drop this field and return the Photo.url instead. Clients that have their own go/emoji-rendering integration may prefer to render the emoji-avatar from Photo.glyph field using their rendering system so that the emoji version/style match the rest of the application. For further background, see go/chatroom-avatar-as-roster-metadata. This field will only be populated if all of: - The PersonFieldMetadata container_type for the Photo is NAMED_CHAT_ROOM - The chat room has an emoji type avatar image set

  • glyph (type:String.t, default:nil) - Unicode emoji representation of the chat room emoji avatar. This can be used by clients that use go/emoji-rendering directly so that they can present this with the same version/style as the rest of their application. This value may also be useful to clients as alt-text for the image. This field will only be populated if all of: - The PersonFieldMetadata container_type for the Photo is NAMED_CHAT_ROOM - The chat room has an emoji type avatar image set

  • htmlAttribution (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - A set of HTML data provider attributions that must be shown with the result. Supported for PLACES photos only. See: go/understanding-places-api-attribution-requirements

  • isDefault (type:boolean(), default:nil) - True when the photo is synthetic or generated (i.e. a monogram or default photo), false when the person has a custom photo.

  • isMonogram (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Indicates if the photo is a monogram avatar. Combined with is_default, the type of photo can be determined by: is_default=true, is_monogram=true: Default monogram avatar. is_default=true, is_monogram=false: Default silhouette avatar. is_default=false: Custom photo. is_monogram is irrelevant in this case.

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • monogramBackground (type:String.t, default:nil) - When is_monogram=true, this is the background color of the monogram photo as a hex RGB formatted string "RRGGBB".

  • originalPhoto (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.SocialGraphApiProtoImageReference.t, default:nil) - Read-only. A reference to the original, undecorated profile photo in storage. This field is not stored. It is populated by a live read to /SocialGraphImageService.GetActiveProfilePhoto. This field is only returned when "" is specified in the request mask.

  • photoId (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPhotoPhotoStorageId.t, default:nil) - For writes only. Indicates photo content for person photo-field update. Currently only used for profile-photo updates (not contact photos yet).

  • photoToken (type:String.t, default:nil) - Most clients don't need to worry about this field and should just use the url to fetch the photo. See go/phototoken-migration-plan for some more context about this field. If you think you want to use this please talk with people-api-eng@ first.

  • url (type:String.t, default:nil) - See go/people-api-concepts/photos for info on the different representations of URLs.

  • viewerUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) - A URL for a UI to view the photo in its original context. For example, for a place photo, this is the url of a Google Maps page displaying the photo. Supported for place photos only.


Info necessary for looking up a photo in storage.


Metadata specific to places.


Extension data for use in Play Games Product Profile. See go/jam-games-profile.


Details of an achievement that the user has unlocked.


Information about a plus page and the entity it represents.


Map marker location for an address.


Custom field that represents POSIX account information. Description of the field family: go/fbs-posix. If account has non-empty Username or Uid we will enforce global uniqueness of (AccountNamespace, CustomerKey, SystemId, Uid) and (AccountNamespace, CustomerKey, SystemId, Username) tuples to ensure there are no duplicates.



  • productSource (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Product profiles failure type: the status of the rpc to fetch the product profile.


Stats pertaining to incoming edges and views, visible to the requester (with acls applied). Related to, but not equal to,


This is a Google+-only field (and thus does not exist for consumer users). See go/fbs-g+-deprecation.


Message to represent a user's set of preferred pronouns, see go/pronouns-backend.



  • dataSet (type:String.t, default:nil) - The data set within the account that this raw contact belongs to.

  • dirty (type:boolean(), default:nil) - The CP2 dirty field which indicates the sync state of the raw contact: True if the row is changed but not synced

  • sourceIdExist (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether the source ID exists for non-Google contacts. Won't set for Google contacts.

  • syncInfo (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.SocialGraphApiProtoSyncInfo.t, default:nil) - The Sync Info of a raw contact.


Raw device contact information.


Metadata information about a profile. This message replaces legacy profile-specific singleton fields from the PersonMetadata proto (singleton top level Person fields are not compatible with non-profile-centric person results, which may include multiple profile containers).




Relation stores the related person between the contact or profile and a third person. See go/relation-vs-relationship for relation vs relationship explanation. This field currently includes RelationshipToMe data in fields value and canonical_value for ContainerType CONTACT_ANNOTATION. This will be moved to RelationshipToMe in b/221081499.



  • displayName (type:String.t, default:nil) - Equivalent to Name.display_name for the person_id profile.

  • jobTitle (type:String.t, default:nil) - Equivalent to Organization.title for the primary organization of the person_id profile.

  • personId (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • photoUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) - Equivalent to Photo.url for the person_id profile.


Deprecated in b/122464133. No data returned for this field.


Deprecated in b/122464133. No data returned for this field.


User preference for shared endorsements. See go/se-devguide and go/sharedendorsements for details, including guidance on which contexts are which.


Information specific to rosters like Google Groups and Chatrooms.


Represents details of a member of a roster. Used in RosterDetails. Corresponds to http://cs/symbol:google.apps.cloudidentity.groups.internal.Membership


Represents the summary of member counts of a roster. Used in RosterDetails. Corresponds to http://cs/symbol:google.apps.cloudidentity.groups.internal.Group.DirectMemberCountPerType


Profile for Janata and Search. go/janata-profile-in-sgbe


As of 03/2018 is not supported for user Profile.



  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


The social connection of this person to the viewer. NOTE: this is used by go/starlight, but not actually used or returned in PeopleAPI. See b/27281119 for context.



  • affinity (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiAffinity.t), default:nil) -

  • interactionRank (type:String.t, default:nil) - Deprecated. This field is only populated with 0.000 for legacy reasons. Clients should not use this field.

  • lastName (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • lastNameRaw (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • name (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • nameRaw (type:String.t, default:nil) - Raw name strings that were used to generate the name and last_name sort keys fields above. Contacts+ need them to generate section headers for list view (b/30642866).


Id of a single source from the merged person.


Custom field that represents SSH public keys associated with the user. We can treat the field as a map from a string fingerprint to the SSH public key information.


This message mirrors the ContactPhoneNumber message in ccc/grand_central/common/types.proto. For various reasons, we cannot take on a direct dependency. See other proto file for most recent documentation.



  • e164 (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • i18nData (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiStructuredPhonePhoneNumberI18nData.t, default:nil) -



  • countryCode (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • internationalNumber (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • isValid (type:boolean(), default:nil) -

  • nationalNumber (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • regionCode (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • validationResult (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • code (type:String.t, default:nil) - The phone code. See docs from mirrored proto: http://google3/ccc/grand_central/common/types.proto?l=70&rcl=241000760

  • countryCode (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


UNSUPPORTED. This message is never populated and is no longer used.



  • key (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -


DEPRECATED in favor of ProfileStats. Stats pertaining to incoming edges and views, visible to the requester (with acls applied). Related to, but not equal to,


Store metadata information like annotation-id and product source for visible to guests contacts go/visible-to-guests.



  • isIncomplete (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Used by Contacts client-side to indicate whether a person is not completed.



  • formattedType (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type translated and formatted in the request locale. See go/people-api-howto/localization for details on how to usage.

  • metadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiPersonFieldMetadata.t, default:nil) -

  • rel (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiWebsiteRelationshipInfo.t), default:nil) - Currently in Oz: "Links": Links with no rel. "Other profiles": Links with rel=ME. "Contributor to": Links with rel=CONTRIBUTOR_TO or PAST_CONTRIBUTOR_TO.

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) - The type of the website. The type can be free form or one of these predefined values: homeworkblogprofilehomePageftpreservationsappInstallPage: website for a Currents application. * other

  • value (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Extension data for use in Youtube Product Profile.


The features supported by the ActionV2 protocol. Note that after we move on to ConversationProto for all surfaces we can remove this message.


Capabilities related to Android intent support. These capabilities can apply to any device on the Android platform. Provides the list of Android package names that support a given Android intent.



  • intentActionName (type:String.t, default:nil) - The Action name of the Android Intent in standard notation (

  • packageNames (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - The Android provider packages that support the intent, e.g. "".


Used to describe app capabilities of the device installed apps reported to the server.


Used to describe the incremental change of app capabilities of the device installed apps reported to the server.



  • enabled (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • sendMessageSuppressed (type:boolean(), default:nil) - If true, disable send message AppControl/SD flow. This is needed to suppress the feature for specific device. If we decide to turn down this feature for all devices, then this field will become obsolete and should be removed. See context in b/275727627.


Contains the app privacy bits used for App Integrations implicit request. (go/app-privacy-settings-for-implicit-requests)



  • plateSupport (type:String.t, default:nil) - Indicates in what cases assistant continued presence can be shown as a plate. This field is white-listed as being PII-free. Please do not add PII here.


These capabilities represent the audio input features associated with the device. This includes what kind of audio input the device can handle, and what the privacy circumstances of that input are.


These capabilities represent the audio output features associated with the device. This includes what kind of audio output the device can handle, and what the privacy circumstances of that output are.


Bluetooth capabilities related to usage of a feature.


CallCapabilities supported by a surface. See go/call-capabilities. Next ID: 7


These capabilities represent the camera features associated with the device.


These capabilities present the capability of the device running camera receiver apps.


Capabilities that are associated with Assistants on auto surfaces. This is different from other capabilities such as CarSettingsCapabilities, CloudCarCapabilities since they are specific to settings and 3P cloud information. All the auto/car Assistant specific capabilities should live here.


Capabilities that are associated with Assistant Settings on auto surfaces.



  • castLinkingStatus (type:String.t, default:nil) - Cast linking status for ATV surfaces. This is derived from error messages returned from Cast Orchestration Server and will be used for data profiling only(go/katniss-settings-dashboard).

  • truncatedErrorMsg (type:String.t, default:nil) - The error msg returned from COS, truncated in case it's too large.


These capabilities represent capabilities that have to do with casting that pertain to this device. Next ID: 9


The properties of the client op device.MODIFY_SETTING. This proto is stored in the SupportedClientOp proto.


The properties of the provider.OPEN ClientOp. This proto is stored in the SupportedClientOp proto with the key provider.OPEN.


Used to describe clock capabilities of the device (for example, capabilities related to maximum number of supported alarms and timers that can be created on the device). Fields may be populated by clients or be backfilled by SAL (in case of Timon, for example).


UI capabilities for the surfaces rendering Comms features. See go/rohan-comms-fluid-actions-customization.



  • fallbackToTetheredDevice (type:boolean(), default:nil) - If true, contact.LOOKUP should be routed to the tethered device (if present) if the tethered device supports contact.LOOKUP and the primary device does not.


The android app information of the provider. Like, Spotify. Next ID: 17


General information about activities in the app.


Information about an individual activity.


The change of AndroidAppInfo, e.g. app installation or deletion for incremental delta app info upload.


This proto contains the information of a calendar event, including title, start time, end time, etc. LINT.IfChange(CalendarEvent) NEXT_ID: 26


Next id: 8


Next id: 10


A room that is available for a potential meeting or has been booked for a scheduled meeting. Next id: 4


Room location details. Read-only, populated on request. Next id: 8


This empty type allows us to publish sensitive calendar events to go/attentional-entities, while maintaining BUILD visibility protection for their contents. The BUILD-visibility-protected extension to this message is defined at http://google3/assistant/verticals/calendar/proto/multi_account_calendar_event.proto


The cast app information of the provider.


The ChromeOS app information of the provider. Next ID: 3


The third party provider information.


The style customizations for the 3p agent.


Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This message mirrors google.type.Color.


The identification information for third party devices that integrates with the assistant. All of these fields will be populated by the third party when the query is sent from the third party device. Next Id: 5


LINT.IfChange(DeviceId) Specifies identifier of a device AKA surface. Note there may be multiple device ids for the same physical device E.g. Allo app and Assistant app on Nexus. Note: DeviceId usage is complicated. Please do not depend on it for surface specific logic. Please use google3/assistant/api/capabilities.proto instead. IMPORTANT: When checking for equality between two DeviceIds, you should always use an isSameDevice{As} function to check for equality, as deep equality between DeviceId's is not guaranteed. C++: http://google3/assistant/assistant_server/util/;l=23;rcl=421295740 Dart: http://google3/assistant/context/util/lib/device_id.dart;l=26;rcl=442126145 * Java: http://google3/java/com/google/assistant/assistantserver/utils/;l=9;rcl=390378522 See http://go/deviceid-equality for more details. Next ID: 14


The set of information that helps Assistant identify a device-user pair. An example use of this proto is in broadcast reply, when after receiving a broadcast, we store a device-user pair in an attentional entity in order to later infer who initated the broadcast on which device.


The Home app information of the provider. Next ID: 3


An image represents the data about an image or a photo. NextId: 13


Info for targeting a feature provided directly by the Assistant surface itself. i.e Could be pointing to AGSA audio player for AUDIO_PLAYER on AGSA.


The iOS app information of the provider. Next ID: 4


The KaiOS app information of the provider. Next ID: 4


Geographic coordinate information for location.


This proto captures the contents of a messaging app notification that is typically part of a conversation thread. Next Id: 21


Structure of each notification in the MessageNotification Bundle. Attribute sender_name could be different in case of group messages. Next Id: 9


Mirrors part of Next Id: 4


Provider. Like, Spotify or iHeartRadio. Next ID: 13


ProviderDelta. The incremental change, e.g. installation or deletion for Spotify or iHeartRadio. Currently it is for Android only. A few considerations for edge cases: - If the app being deleted is not found from Footprints, it is ignored. - For Footprint upload through Geller, the gPRC response is available for client to retry in the next upload if the upload fails. - For Assistant Request, there is no upload status similar to the current AppCapabilities. Next ID: 4


Task metadata information describing the ringtone. Next id: 11



  • agentIds (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - For character alarm, the media resources are provided through AOG apps. During alarm trigger phase, aog apps with the specified agent_ids are used to get the media resources. Multiple "AoG agents" can satisfy a character_tag. So the user will select the agents they want at alarm creation time. The chosen agents will be recorded so that the resources only from those agents will be used at trigger time. The number of selected agent_ids will not exceed 3. See go/character-alarm-aog.

  • characterTags (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - The Character Alarm tag. Tags are needed to identify the theme of the alarm. For example, if the tag is 'astronaut', astronaut based audio is played during alarm ring. Note : We have made it repeated so that the user can choose multiple character alarm themes at one go. At present, the user is allowed to choose only one theme during alarm creation.

  • iconUrls (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - Icons urls corresponding to a character. Note : We have made it repeated so that we can show different images when the alarm rings. At present, we only support only one image.


Used to make timers and alarms more delightful. See go/funtime-engdesign for more details.


Metadata for machine learning generated audio samples. This will be similar to character alarms, Category will be set MEDIA but this metadata field will be used to identify the ringtone type on surface. (go/magenta-alarm-ringtones).


Gentle wake actions like slowly brightening the room/device screen leading up to the alarm firing (go/cube-gentle-wake-up).


This describes the alarm sound resource enum and the alarm sound label for the on device alarm sound. On-device ringtones are product specific, hence Opal/UI layer will be responsible for populating this metadata at creation/edit. The enum map will be used to convert to an internal resource id used by libassistant for accessing the asset which are not exposed to UI.



  • routineId (type:String.t, default:nil) - The unique id for each routine. When the alrm is dismissed, it will trigger the routine of the routine alarm's creator if feasible.


Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) information for providers that use SIP to initiate multimedia communication sessions, like Google Voice and Fi.


The set of information that helps the server identify the surface. This replaces the User-Agent string within the Assistant Server. Note: The SurfaceIdentity proto should only be used to derive the capabilities of a surface. It should not be accessed outside of the CapabilityBuilder or CapabilityChecker. NEXT ID: 6


Specifies the types of device surfaces. LINT.IfChange When adding new surface types make sure that My Activity ( will correctly render by adding your enum to http://cs/$ If your type doesn't fit in to any of the existing surfaces messages, add a new message in http://google3/personalization/footprints/boq/uservisible/events/intl/smh_frontend_messages.h.


The version of the surface/client. New surfaces are encouraged to only use the “major” field to keep track of version number. The “minor” field may be used for surfaces that rely on both the “major” and “minor” fields to define their version.


The web information of the provider. Next ID: 5



  • locale (type:String.t, default:nil) - The locale of this agent version, represented by BCP-47 language strings, such as "en", "en-US", "fr", "fr-CA", "sr-Latn", "zh-Hans-CN", etc.

  • nluAgentId (type:String.t, default:nil) - Unique internal identifier of 3P Custom NLU agent. UUID.

  • nluAgentVersion (type:String.t, default:nil) - Identifies the 3P Custom NLU agent version.



  • localConnectivityEnabled (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether the device has torus/usonia capabililities enabled or not.

  • remoteCastMediaEnabled (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether the device supports cast media originated from a remote device to be executed through local execution and can upload results asynchronously. Needs to be checked before sending remote media initiation through local channel since it needs an async result upload path.



  • fallbackToTetheredDevice (type:boolean(), default:nil) - If true, data.VALIDATE should be routed to the tethered device (if present) if the tethered device supports data.VALIDATE and the primary device does not.


A Gregorian calendar date.


A date-time specification, combining a date and civil time (relative to a given timezone).


A representation of a range of time with start and end datetime specified.


This message describes roughly what a surface is capable of doing and metadata around those capabilities. These capabilities are determined based on: - device hardware - software - status (e.g. volume level, battery percentage) These capabilities refer to the surface and not the physical device. The list of supported surfaces can be found in the assistant.api.core_types.SurfaceType enum. A surface's capabilities can differ from the device's. An example would be ANDROID_ALLO running on Pixel. Allo does not support AudioInput while the Pixel does. In this case, audio_input will be set to false for Assistant Allo requests while it might be set to true for OPA_NEXUS requests. Next ID: 37


A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.



  • clarificationDataSupported (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether client supports clarification suggestion chip to be displayed see |assistant.suggestions.ClarificationData|



  • supportedActivities (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - A list of fitness activity types supported by this client.



  • stateSyncMethod (type:String.t, default:nil) - Specifies the params proto that Fluid Actions uses to sync state with server.


Capabilities of Google assistant conversation service(GACS) devices. These capabilites including supported GACS actions and response size limitations.


Capabilities related to GCM.


The gesture capabilities related to Selina. Next ID: 4


Access settings for guests.



  • confirmationMessageSupported (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether the client supports confirmation messages in Immersive Canvas actions.

  • pauseSignalSupported (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether the client support canvas pause signal. If true, the Assistant Server will send a signal when canvas transitioning to pause mode.


These capabilities are used to determine the jwn libraries and their versions that are present on the client.


Capabilities related to Lens Perception, i.e. image understanding. See go/loa-lens-device-capabilities. Next ID: 6


The set of capabilities that Lens can support. This is the Assistant proto representation of Lens capabilities defined at j/c/g/android/apps/gsa/search/shared/service/proto/lens_service_event.proto Next ID: 7


Dining recognition capability. For example popular dishes on a given restaurant menu image.


Education recognition capability.


Outdoor place recognition capability. For example recognizing storefronts.


Shopping recognition capability.


Text recognition capability.


Translation capability.



  • channelsByProvider (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiLiveTvChannelCapabilitiesChannelsByProvider.t), default:nil) - A list of channel providers each of which provides a list of its channels.



  • channels (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiLiveTvChannelCapabilitiesLiveTvChannel.t), default:nil) - A list of channels provided by this input. Keep the performance impact in mind when the number/size of the channels is large. When there are too many channels, consider stripping out some data.

  • inputId (type:String.t, default:nil) - An identifier to identify the input source. For example for TIF based channels, this will be the TIF input ID to differentiate different tuner apps. See

  • providerType (type:String.t, default:nil) - Type of provider who provides this channel input.



  • channelId (type:String.t, default:nil) - Unique channel identifier.

  • channelName (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - A list of channel names and synonyms.

  • channelNumber (type:String.t, default:nil) - Channel number displayed to user. Optional.

  • deeplink (type:String.t, default:nil) - A deep link into the Live player app that tunes to this channel.

  • mid (type:String.t, default:nil) - KG mid of the channel if it exists in KG.

  • networkMid (type:String.t, default:nil) - Network KG mid of the channel if it exists in KG



  • providerInfo (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiCoreTypesProvider.t, default:nil) - Contains detailed provider information such as android app package name.

  • providerKey (type:String.t, default:nil) - A provider enum string for OTT providers. The available key can be found in go/ump-provider-enum For Tuner provider, the provider key would be an ID the tuner app uploaded from TIF. See

  • providerType (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • gpsAvailable (type:boolean(), default:nil) -


Data which is produced for logging and debugging. Servers MUST NOT use this for any other purposes, such as branching on it. Next ID: 16



  • skipConfirmationsWhilePlaying (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether to prevent confirmations (text, tts) for media control actions while media is playing so that the media session is not interrupted.



  • fallbackToTetheredDeviceAppCapabilities (type:boolean(), default:nil) - If true, APP_ID queries initiated by this device should fall back to execution on the tethered device if it's available and if the primary device cannot perform the action (e.g. due to the app not being installed).

  • preferTargetingPrimaryDevice (type:boolean(), default:nil) - For chat_message.SEND targeting, when either the primary or secondary (tethered) device is capable of handling the chat_message.SEND action, prefer targeting it to the primary device.

  • supportedRecipientTypes (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - Should only be checked if nonempty.





  • mobility (type:String.t, default:nil) - Indicates how much the device moves around. E.g., TV has a low mobility level, while Auto has a very high level.



  • optOutState (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiNotificationOutputRestrictionsOptOutState.t, default:nil) -


Per category/category group notification opt out settings.



  • categoryGroup (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • state (type:String.t, default:nil) -



  • category (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • state (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Encapsulates the action capabilities of the OEM device. This data is merged from Device Model lookup, per-device registration, and per-request context. This data is sent to NLU layer for query understanding.


Definitions of on-device assistant capabilities.


Definitions of on-device Smart Home capabilities. Next ID: 2


The on-device storage capabilities found on the device.


These are user configurable permissions representing what the device is allowed to output. Next ID: 11


Next ID: 7


Also known as "Extensions Without Extensions" or "The Poor Man's Any", this simple proto is used to transmit arbitrary protocol buffers over the wire. Unlike extensions: - It does not require the proto type to be compiled into the binary. (Useful so that the proto declaration can be inside the conversation package) - It is compatible with all versions of proto, including proto3 and the wack-tastic version used on ChromecastOS. Server libraries for dealing with it live in google3/assistant/protocol/protobuf_lib.h.


Date-based recurrences specify repeating events. Conceptually, a recurrence is a (possibly unbounded) sequence of dates on which an event falls, described by a list of constraints. A date is in a recurrence if and only if it satisfies all of the constraints. Note that devices may support some constraints, but not all.


Used to describe the capabilities and params of Robin Client. Field will be populated from Client or backfilled in SAL only for Robin client.


Current Robin status of the client.


Robin is available and can be enabled by the user.


Robin is not available and can not be enabled by the user.


Robin is available and the user opted in already.


Robin would be available, but the user explicitly opted out.


These capabilities represent the tactile features associated with the device. This includes, for example, whether the device has a screen, how big the screen is, and privacy of the screen. Next ID: 11


A mask applied to the screen's pixel space to determine regions not visible on the physical device.


Version info for ProtoLayout requests.


A Resolution proto indicates the size of the application window. All fields are required.


The Soli capabilities on Elaine, including gestures and sleep sensing. go/dingo-dc-software Next ID: 4



  • anyUserHasSetPersonalPhotos (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether any user sets personal photos on this device. See go/ambient-setting-in-assistant-design.

  • recentHighlightsEnabled (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether or not the user's current selection for their ambient photo frame includes the auto-generated "Recent Highlights" album. This is used to determine which users to display the go/opa-photos-memories-tile. See go/opa-photo-memories-imax-optin for more discussion on why this bit was created.

  • showPersonalPhotoData (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether to enable the personal photo data in the ambient settings: See go/opa-photos-ambient-location-date-dd#heading=h.5x4iaouuiett for explanation.

  • showPersonalPhotos (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether current user sets personal photos on this device. See go/ambient-setting-in-assistant-design.


These capabilities are associated with Assistant Settings on devices.


Settings pertaining to auto framing. See go/auto-framing-presentation.


Carrier related call settings on the device.


Specification of which communication features can be used.


Specification of times when most features on a device are disabled for certain users. During these periods, the device will respond to most interactions with something like "sorry, I'm sleeping right now". Design: go/home-ft-settings-storage PRD: go/home-family-tools-prd


Defines a set of restrictions on particular device features for a certain set of users. Design: go/home-ft-settings-storage PRD: go/home-family-tools-prd



  • optInEnabled (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Indicates whether the crash logs can be uploaded and the device logs can be enabled


Next ID: 73



  • lastKnownClientLocale (type:String.t, default:nil) - Last known locale of the client.

  • lastParamsWriteTimestamp (type:DateTime.t, default:nil) - This is the timestamp when the AssistantRequestParams (in ASSISTANT_SNAPSHOT corpus) were last written for this device.



  • downtimeSettings (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiSettingsDeviceDowntimeSettings.t, default:nil) - Specification of times that a device shouldn't respond to certain users. See go/home-ft-prd.

  • featureFilters (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiSettingsDeviceFeatureFilters.t, default:nil) - Restrictions on features that certain users can access on a device. See go/home-ft-prd.


Specifies a period of up to 24 hours when downtime should be enabled, starting at certain time on a certain day of the week, and ending at a later time on either that day or the following day.


Specification of when downtime is enabled on different days of the week. Contains up to 7 DowntimePeriod messages, up to one per day of the week.


Duo related call settings on the device. Next ID: 5


Specification of which assistant features are allowed for a particular device or user account.



  • gcmId (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • gcmPackage (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Next ID: 8



  • cardConfig (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiSettingsHospitalityCardSettingsCardConfig.t), default:nil) - Config for Hospitality UI modules.

  • showMediaTapGestureTutorial (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Toggle media tap gesture tutorial card.

  • showPhotoSwipeGestureTutorial (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Toggle photo swipe gesture tutorial card.

  • youtubeCardConfig (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiSettingsHospitalityCardSettingsYouTubeCardConfig.t), default:nil) - Config for YouTube video cards.


Configuration for hospitality card.


Configuration for YouTube video card (Stargazer tile).


Hospitality mode config for the current device. go/hospitality-mode-design. Next ID: 17


TODO(b/169423976) Consider moving Branding out of user level settings into enterprise level settings. Partner branding fields used to customize the ui. Next ID: 7


HotwordThresholdAdjustmentFactor contains threshold_adjustment_factor, and it's validity. value should only be considered when is_valid = true.


Represents supporting device ids.


Represents a version of a specifit setting, e.g. DeviceSettings.


Kids mode config for the current device. go/aff-parentalsupervision-dd



  • displayName (type:String.t, default:nil) - User-provided name for this schedule.

  • schedule (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiSettingsDowntimeSchedule.t, default:nil) -


Represents the profile of the user who has signed in onto this device. Next id: 5



  • confirmed (type:boolean(), default:nil) - True if the user has confirmed the marketplace disclosure.

  • timestampMs (type:String.t, default:nil) - The time user confirmed the marketplace disclosure.


Guest mode for the current device. go/assistant-guest-mode-summary


Specification of which music features can be used.


Specification of which news features can be used.



  • alloNotificationProfile (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiSettingsNotificationProfileAlloNotificationProfile.t, default:nil) - Each device can have only one type of notification profile.



  • botSendToken (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.ChatBotPlatformBotSendToken.t, default:nil) - The send token of the conversation with the user.

  • id (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.ChatBotPlatformFireballId.t, default:nil) - The fireball id of this user.



  • carrierCallDeviceSettings (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiSettingsCarrierCallDeviceSettings.t, default:nil) - On device carrier call related settings.

  • duoCallDeviceSettings (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiSettingsDuoCallDeviceSettings.t, default:nil) - On device duo call related settings.



  • faceMatch (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • personalResults (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • voiceMatch (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Specification of which podcast features can be used.


Polite mode config for the current device. go/polite-mode-dd


Settings related to Assistant reauth. go/assistant-reauth-verify-skip Next id: 2


Next id: 6


Specification of which search features can be used.


Settings related to TTS output.


Settings related to speech detection. See go/hotword-settings-on-cloud for more info. Next ID: 16



  • primaryHostDeviceId (type:String.t, default:nil) - The host this wearable is tethered to (e.g. phone). When host is AGSA then this is agsa_client_instance_id. When host is IOPA then this is opa_ios_device_id.


Specification of which third party apps can be used.


Specification of which video features can be used.


Specification of which webview features can be used.


The method of sign in which the client supports.


Capabilities related to SODA (Speech On-Device API). Next ID: 5


These capabilities represent what software features the client supports. This should be determined based on the client's various software versions (OS, GSA version, etc). Next ID: 28


DEPRECATED These capabilities are associated with speech detection on devices.


Next ID: 18



  • executedTextSupported (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether the client can rewrite suggestion query text into executed text, if the latter is present for the display target.

  • headerTextSupported (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether PresentationParams.header_text is supported for the display target.

  • repressImpressionSupported (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether Suggestion.repress_impression is supported. If not repressed suggestions are not returned.

  • target (type:String.t, default:nil) - Display target that is supported.



  • sunriseSimulationSupported (type:boolean(), default:nil) - If true, the device can slowly brighten the screen and simulate sunrise experience. Alarms with sunrise field enabled can be set on this device.


These are the set of ClientOps that are supported by the device.


Additional properties that client can support for executing the client op. They are surface-specific execution properties and are unrelated to the execution model.


The overall Conversation Protocol version. As we make fundamental changes to Conversation protocol that are non-backwards compatible, we will increment the protocol version. By default, all clients will support version 0. All versions are documented at go/conversation-versions.


These are the set of features that are supported by the device. It's a part of the SoftwareCapabilities of the device. Next ID: 69


Contains versions of protocol buffer messages. This is the equivalence of a proto3 map, keyed by a protocol buffer message’s name, and the value is the version of this message. e.g. {"assistant.api.core_types.Timer": 2, "assistant.api.core_types.Alarm": 1} See go/assistant-protocol-versioning for more details.



  • messageName (type:String.t, default:nil) - The full path of a message which should start from the package name. e.g. "assistant.api.core_types.Timer".

  • version (type:integer(), default:nil) - The supported version number.


Types of providers that are supported by the client. For example, ChromeOS support both web app and Android app (for eligible devices).


Properties of the surface that are not hardware related or feature specific.


Describes the capabilities that are related to the execution of client ops on the device.


Restrictions related to system-level notifications.


Notification channels state for the new server driven channels.


Notification channels state.


3P Action Metadata. Next ID: 3


Metadata for ActionPackage. Device Actions are disabled by default unless explicitly enabled for the device here, see go/3p-device-actions-v2-design.



  • dataSharingRestrictions (type:String.t, default:nil) - Restrictions for the device to share any data with third party apps. See details in go/atv-dsc.


A civil time relative to a timezone.


A time zone. Conceptually, a time zone is a set of rules associated with a location that describes a UTC offset and how it changes over time (e.g. Daylight Saving Time). The offset is used to compute the local date and time.


An absolute point in time independent of timezone or calendar, based on the proto3 Timestamp (//google/protobuf/timestamp.proto). NOTE: THIS IS NO LONGER RECOMMENDED TO BE USED. It was originally defined separately from google.protobuf.Timestamp due to incompatibility with proto2 syntax. The incompatibility issues have since been resolved and so the Google-wide standard representation of google.protobuf.Timestamp should be preferred. In fact, google.protobuf.* protos in general are now recommended to be used in new APIs.



  • voicePinSuppressed (type:boolean(), default:nil) - If true, setting this boolean means the device should not support voice PIN. For example, although the phone supports both voice and PIN pad, but we don't want users using voice.



  • defaultVolumePercentage (type:integer(), default:nil) - The volume percentages for spelled out values.

  • highVolumePercentage (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • levelStepSize (type:float(), default:nil) - The number of levels to move for a step.

  • lowVolumePercentage (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • maximumVolumeLevel (type:integer(), default:nil) - The max number of volume levels the client supports.

  • mediumVolumePercentage (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • veryHighVolumePercentage (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • veryLowVolumePercentage (type:integer(), default:nil) -


The information associated with an error while selecting the target device. Next ID: 2


Capability with regard to support of alarms by the client.



  • intValueSpec (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantDevicesPlatformProtoIntValueSpec.t, default:nil) -

  • optionValueSpec (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantDevicesPlatformProtoOptionValueSpec.t, default:nil) -

  • type (type:String.t, default:nil) -






States the cloud capabilities of the device, i.e. the endpoint(s) to use for cloud execution of Actions or Registration.


A cloud endpoints associates with this device, it can be used for query parsing, or cloud execution.




This capability represents device action needed capability. Next ID: 10



  • clientOpProperty (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiClientOpPropertiesDeviceModifySettingClientOpProperty.t, default:nil) -




Specifies the routing capabilities of the Intent. It will apply only when the Intent is triggered. Next ID: 8







  • alarm (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantDevicesPlatformProtoAlarmCapability.t, default:nil) - Specifies capabilities for handling on-device alarms. The presence of this field, even if empty, implies that the device supports alarms.

  • responseLimits (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantDevicesPlatformProtoResponseLimits.t, default:nil) - Specifies the size limits on responses. If message is not defined then no limits exist.

  • supportSdkExecute (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether this device model package support sdk.EXECUTE client_op (a.k.a action.devices.EXECUTE intent), which will be filled into google.assistant.embedded.v1.DeviceAction.device_request_json. It is default to true (and not public), since all 3P will depends on the device_request_json. Only internal projects like Edoras will set this to false.

  • supportedDeviceOps (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantDevicesPlatformProtoSupportedDeviceOps.t, default:nil) - Specifies capabilities for handling assistant.embedded.v1.DeviceOp.

  • supportsMultiResponse (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Specifies whether server can send a series of responses for a single query. Example: Routines where multiple actions to be executed one after another.

  • timer (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantDevicesPlatformProtoTimerCapability.t, default:nil) - Specifies capabilities for handling on-device timers. The presence of this field, even if empty, implies that the device supports timers.

  • ttsOutput (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantDevicesPlatformProtoTtsOutputCapability.t, default:nil) - Specifies whether client supports receiving DeviceAction.tts_output.



  • maxValue (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • minValue (type:String.t, default:nil) -


An intent configures the behavior of a device action for this device. Next ID: 7


Capabilities that may only be set internally. Only internal callers (i.e. Googlers or Google owned projects) will be able to set these, thanks to go/assistant-device-model-package-ownership.


The StadiaAssistantConfig. This field should only be set if the device model is a Stadia.

















  • values (type:list(String.t), default:nil) -


Provided data which augments the device action capabilities. Some built-in intents may require additional configuration to be provided. One example could be the list of channels available for the action.intent.SelectChannel intent.





  • clientOpProperty (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantApiClientOpPropertiesProviderOpenClientOpProperty.t, default:nil) -


Specifies the size limits on responses receivable by the client.


Encapsulates security configuration for a single intent of a device model.




This message will specify supports for fields in |assistant.embedded.v1.DeviceOp|, for a device model package. See go/easi-client-op2 for more info. Next ID: 19


Capability with regard to support of timers by the client.


A TriggerCondition is described as a set of states which must be met by the device. It also includes instructions to the Assistant on what kind of response to execute when the condition is not met.


Capabilities with regard to support of outputting TTS.




Specifies the NLU level that Google performs, which determines the request format sent to the 3P cloud.



  • streams (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantLogsMediaStreamLog.t), default:nil) - All active media streams while the user issues the query.

  • targetStream (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantLogsMediaStreamLog.t, default:nil) - The stream selected by stream transfer logic to be transferred to another device. It will be empty for other features. Target_stream is different from target_device since target_stream could have multiple devices.


This message logs details on ambiguous device targeting logic. 1. It first takes a list of ambiguous devices 2. Then applies two filters: structure filter and playability filter. 3. If more than one device remains, it tiggers DeviceSelectionDialog to let the user pick one device.


PuntInfoLog is used to log why devices get filtered out during media content playability check. It contains media excuse, provider mid and also index of devices filtered by them.


A list of per-device contexts and their respective diffs between AvailableDevice and CTF.


Contains the available devices in DeviceTargetingContext.


This is the log version of apps.people.oz.external.mergedpeopleapi.DeviceContactInfo Next ID: 2


This is the log version of fuzzy ngram match results that's used for generating the best fuzzy match. Next ID: 3


From google3/quality/qrewrite/proto/account_provenance.proto;l=14 We need to copy this as the above proto has Enum field which is not compatible between proto2 and proto3. go/proto2-versus-proto3#enums


This is the log version of apps.people.oz.external.mergedpeopleapi.PersonMetadata Next ID: 2


Contact meta data. Next ID: 31


This is the log version of apps.people.oz.external.mergedpeopleapi.Phone proto. Next ID: 3


This is the log version of apps.people.oz.external.mergedpeopleapi.RawDeviceContactInfo proto. Next ID: 3


Log device info of default speaker and tv



  • localDefaultDevices (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantLogsDefaultDeviceLog.t, default:nil) -

  • nearbyDefaultDevices (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantLogsDefaultDeviceLog.t), default:nil) - Default settings of nearby devices.


Device annotation mention from query


The information related to the device. Next ID: 19


Log about the media session on a device.


Contains information logged in target device selection. See go/improve-device-targeting-logging for details. Next Id: 23


Log the selection result. Next ID: 11


Test code is used to track special events happening in Device Targeting Library. Next Id: 2



  • errorCode (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • errorType (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Represents the case where there is a target device with low confidence so that the library didn't directly target it. Instead, the library returns the low confidence target device and the fallback device for the client to decide to either trigger a dialog to disambiguate or select one of them based on extra business logic. Next ID: 3



  • devicesAfterRun (type:integer(), default:nil) - Number of candidate devices after this stage is run.

  • devicesBeforeRun (type:integer(), default:nil) - Number of candidate devices before this stage is run.

  • processorName (type:String.t, default:nil) - Name of the processor for this stage.



  • canReceiveRemoteAction (type:boolean(), default:nil) -

  • hasScreen (type:boolean(), default:nil) -


A summary of the reasons that we chose a certain target device.


The information related to Media Focus. TODO(b/138952173) Deprecate MediaFocusState in logs/proto/majel_gws/media_action_triggering_info.proto and assistant/verticals/media/proto/target_device_info.proto


Following are the MDA compatible loggings for media focus, default settings and nearby devices.


Media stream is composed of a media session and one or more devices which are hosting (playing) the session. Usually, a session is only hosted by one devcie. However, with cast group or stream transfer/expansion, a session could be hosted by multiple devices, which are playing the same session simultaneously.



  • deviceArbitrationCreationTimestampMs (type:String.t, default:nil) - The timestamp that DeviceArbitration is created in milliseconds.

  • deviceTargetingInputCreationTimestampMs (type:String.t, default:nil) - The timestamp that DeviceTargetingInput is built in milliseconds.

  • eliminatedByFurtherDistance (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • eliminatedByLocalClosest (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • eliminatedByUnknownDifferentRoom (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • eliminatedByUnregisteredDevice (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • localDevice (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantLogsDeviceInfoLog.t, default:nil) -

  • nearbyDevices (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantLogsDeviceInfoLog.t), default:nil) -

  • numClosestDevices (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • numEquallyCloseDevices (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • numFurtherDevices (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • numHearingDevices (type:integer(), default:nil) -

  • numUnknownDistanceDevices (type:integer(), default:nil) -


Provider annotation annotated from the query. These fields contain the detailed information for the provider. (e.g. for Youtube, package_names contains "", localized_names contains "youtube", and lang contains "en" from "en-US" which depends on user's setting.)


Log about the query requirements


Annotate a single reminder instance.


Room annotation mentioned in query.


The logging-version of DeviceId proto, which identifies a device. This mirrors cs/google3/assistant/api/core_types/device_type.proto?q=symbol:DeviceId Next ID: 9


Structure annotation mentioned in query.


Represents the case where the library successfully selects the target device. It could be one or multiple devices. Next ID: 4



  • deviceName (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • deviceTypes (type:list(String.t), default:nil) -

  • effectiveArgSpanLength (type:number(), default:nil) -

  • hasAmbiguousResolutions (type:boolean(), default:nil) - True if there are more than one possible resolutions to the RD.

  • hasResolvedDeviceId (type:boolean(), default:nil) - True if there's at least one device id that gets resolved. Note this is different from is_grounded = true: it is possible that is_grounded = false (num_grounded_args =0) but there is resolved device ids. E.g.: "turn on the blue light" Power_on(device_object = [d1, d2]:RD(category=DeviceObject(name='blue light')) where there are "blue light 1" and "blue light 2" hence two resolved device ids. But since the quantifier is single, GB can't resolve the ambiguity and would set num_grounded_args = 0 to indicate such unresolved ambiguity.

  • roomName (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Used by the Smarthome Business Rules twiddler to determine whether to replace the top-scoring Smarthome intent with another.


Features used by the PrefulfillmentRanker's scorer exclusively to break ties.


Signals to be used by the Prefulfillment Ranker. Derived from the ParsingSignals and GroundingSignals carried by the FunctionCall. LINT.IfChange Next ID: 74


A message to represent an item in a list. Just a basic string for now, but extensible for the future.


Proto descrbing an attachment to an Assistant Reminder. If the attachment has different behavior on different surfaces (e.g., deeplinks), there will be multiple attachments attach to the Reminder. Each of them will specify the surface type and the corresponding deeplink.



  • linkUrl (type:String.t, default:nil) - REQUIRED. The link to surface to frontends (e.g., Hubpage, notifications.) This could also be a surface-specific deeplink (be sure to set surface_type accordingly.)

  • notificationText (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantRemindersNlgTemplateKey.t, default:nil) - REQUIRED. The text for the notification link button. Note: We cannot take nlp_generation.TemplateData yet due to cyclic dependency. The plan is to cut dependency from TemplateData to quality.actions.Reminder. DEPRECATED. No longer used as part of the notification flow.


Since this is stored in BE, any update on this proto needs LGTM by ARIS storage owner


Equivalent to nlp_generation.TemplateKey. We cannot use nlp_generation.TemplateKey message directly becasue that proto is defined in a relatively large proto and has other dependencies, which will increase the size unnecessary and might hit many limitations (e.g., 5MiB limitation for Spanner type environment.).



  • hasLocationInterpretation (type:boolean(), default:nil) - Whether the nickname could also refer to a location. For example, "walmart", "starbucks".

  • installInfo (type:String.t, default:nil) - Indicates whether the user has the app installed.

  • isGeneric (type:boolean(), default:nil) - True when the name is generic, i.e when it could refer to multiple packages from different developrs. For example, "mail" is considered a generic name (since it can refer to "gmail", "yahoo mail" etc.) but "facebook" although could refer to both "facebook" and "facebook lite" is not considered generic (both packages are from the same third party).

  • nicknameTier (type:String.t, default:nil) - The tier of the nickname.

  • source (type:String.t, default:nil) -


Neural contact match signals.


Metadata for Actions-on-Google configuration.


An agent + device pair that uniquely identifies a device.


AgentInformation represents the details needed to support both 1P and 3P partnerships for Home Automation. Next ID: 7


Protos representing device or structure attributes. See go/hgs-attributes-protos. Only protos approved and formalized by assistant/HG team should be added here.




LINT.IfChange(proto_event_trigger) Next id: 5


Routines team stores the core Structure Based Routine data as the payload. We will add specific metadata on a per-need basis. LINT.IfChange(proto_structure_based_routine) Next id: 12 These two forms of payload are equivalent data in different formats and both will be stored in Home Graph. 1. The internal format will fan out to the DynamicEntity Footprints for read in Settings flow and Execution. 2. The UI format will be stripped out upon replication to DynamicEntity Footprints due to its redundancy and the Footprints data size limit, i.e. DE Footprints will only contain the internal format.


Next id: 3


LINT.IfChange(proto_voice_trigger) Next id: 2


The Concierge features a structure is eligible for. See {@link home.graph.common.ConciergeFeatures}.


Next ID: 5


Next ID: 9



  • homeautomationMetadata (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.AssistantVerticalsHomeautomationProtoHomeAutomation_MetaData.t, default:nil) - Device meta data.

  • matchedItemKey (type:String.t, default:nil) - Corresponding to casse matched_item CustomTypeItem key.

  • matchedItemRawvalue (type:String.t, default:nil) - Corresponding to casse Argument raw_value.

  • matchedItemValue (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - Corresponding to casse matched_item CustomTypeItem value.


Next ID: 45



  • traits (type:list(String.t), default:nil) -


Matter unique Id. These values are provided by the device.



  • address (type:String.t, default:nil) -

  • geoLocation (type:GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.GoogleTypeLatLng.t, default:nil) -


Represents the user’s role such as assistant only or manager for a device. Design doc:



  • enterpriseId (type:String.t, default:nil) - The enterprise that owns the structure. E.g. Disney, Dream Hotel, etc. This is used for log/analytics purpose. For privacy reasons, we log at enterprise level instead of structure level.


SmartHome feature flags that may be enabled per-item. LINT.IfChange


The features a structure supports.


Represents the properties of a mention. Next ID: 13


Contains information about how an entity was presented as part of a list.


The agent or system from which the mention was derived. Each mention corresponds to a single source.


The client provided this entity. Currently, this exclusively corresponds to an entity that was circulated by the client. See go/on-device-aes for more details.


The Assistant mentioned this entity. This corresponds to entities annotated during fulfillment. More specifically, these entities are typically provided by developers either via a Monastery frame or an InteractionBuilder.


The user mentioned this entity. It was extracted from a previous winning intent (IntentQuery or IntentUpdate). Such entities are computed at runtime from the interpretation history without any developer intervention.


Uniquely identifies a semantic role. When this role corresponds to a slot in a registered user intent (see go/assistant-intent-catalog), then the SemanticRoleId maps precisely onto that slot in the intent catalog. However, not all semantic roles corresponds to such user intent slots.


Properties of visual mentions (e.g., how they are displayed to the user, visibility, etc.).


How the entity was presented in this mention at a surface level. For example, "President Barack Obama" or "Barack Obama" or "he" might all be reasonable surface forms for the MID /m/02mjmr.


This data is expected to appear in approximately 2 out of every 1,000 documents with an average of 2 fields per document. Rough order of size is in the hundreds of kilobytes per Mustang shard.


A replacement for BiasingPerDocData that is more efficient wrt size in the index.



  • compressedName (type:integer(), default:nil) - A fingerprint of the actual name of the field.

  • value (type:float(), default:nil) - The value, under various representations to get maximum compression. Exactly one of them is guaranteed to be filled. value as a double.

  • valueFloat (type:integer(), default:nil) - a floating value, represented as an integer by converting using floating_value * 1000. Useable for all floating values that need 3 digits of precision, and are small enough.

  • valueInt (type:integer(), default:nil) - value as an int32. When the value is encode-able as an integer.


Metadata fields on which we can bias (sort) search results independently from the normal ranking using a ScoreAdjuster


A BlobRef is used to refer to a blob in BlobStore. Clients may only manipulate blobs through BlobRefs. BlobRefs should not be sent in the clear outside of Google (for example, encoded in URLs, stored in a client cookie, or referred to in Javascript); for efficiency, the IDs expose internal details of the blobstore (such as machine IPs or cluster names). If clients need to store BlobRefs outside of Google, they must encrypt the BlobRef securely or use an alternative insecure identifier with an id->BlobRef mapping inside our network.


Additional data for Blog/Posts


Resolved url and site spamscore for outlinks in updates (aka microposts).



  • authorName (type:String.t, default:nil) - The username of the author of the microblog post represented by this node.

  • children (type:list(String.t), default:nil) - A list of docids of child nodes.

  • date (type:String.t, default:nil) - The creation date of the doc.

  • docid (type:String.t, default:nil) - Docid of the microblog post represented by this node.

  • parent (type:String.t, default:nil) - The docid of the parent node. The root of the tree will leave this empty.



  • convId (type:String.t, default:nil) - The id of this conversation.

  • nodes (type:list(GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.BlogsearchConversationNode.t), default:nil) - The nodes in this conversation. No particular order is assumed.


Information to indicate BG availabili