What is a Featured Page?
Featured Pages are Pages that you can select to take display priority over other Pages you have created. These generally show first on your home page and in another prominent arears of your website.
You can also set your home page to only show Featured Pages in the Pages section, which is handy when you want to ensure only important content is included on your home page and helps exclude general and Policy Pages from this section.
How do I create A Featured Page?
You create Featured Pages in the same way you would a standard Page, see How do I create a new Page? for full details.
However during the creation of a Page, or when editing an existing Page, you must ensure you set the Make this a Featured Page? to Yes.
How do I set my home page to only show Featured Pages?
To show only Featured Pages on the Pages section of the home page, do the following:-
- First tap or click Pages from the menu;
- Then tap or click Pages settings tab;
- Now set Only show Featured Pages on home page to Yes;
- Finally, tap or click Save Changes.