How do I use the Media screen?

Th Media screen is the home for all of your images and videos, and it can look a little different depending on the task you are undertaking. For example if you access the  Media screen from the menu you will see a detailed list of your uploaded media, with options to edit or delete existing uploads, and options to upload new media.

However, if you are setting the image for a Page (for example) you will automatically be directed to the  Media screen and will be presented with your uploaded images in a gallery format. When you tap or click an image it will automatically be set on the Page and you will be redirected back to the  Pages screen. You could also upload a new image or select one of our stock images, but you would not be able to edit or delete images in this view.

Take a look at the section below to learn how to upload, edit, delete and set media items.

How do I upload a new image or video?

To upload a new image or video, do the following:-

  1. First, unless you have already been directed to the  Media screen, tap or click  Media from the menu;
  2. Then tap or click the Upload a new image tab;
  3. Now complete the displayed fields:-
    • Title/ alt description - Enter a detailed description of the media item you are uploading. Try to keep this between 10 and 25 characters long. This is used by search engines (such as Google), as well as screen readers and will show in place of the media item if the visitors device is unable to show the media itself.
    • Show in home page gallery - Choose if this media item is to be shown in the home page Gallery section.
    • Media tag - This is optional, but including it will allow you to group similar images together. You can then select this Media tag on one of your Pages, where all media with the same tag will show in the Pages Gallery section. You can only enter 1 tag here. If you have used tags on other media items that you have created, they will be displayed below. Simply tap or click one of them to add it as a tag for this media item too. Tags are not to be confused with hashtags that are used on social platforms, or marketing campaign tags, like the ones in Google Tag Manager.
    • Credit name - Enter the name of the person or business that you need to give credit to for this media item. When this field is blank your website name will be used.
    • Copywrite owner - Enter the name of the person or business that holds the copywrites this media item. When this field is blank your website name will be used.
    • Creator name - Enter the name of the person or business that captured this media item. When this field is blank your website name will be used.
    • File to upload (only '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.bmp', '.gif', '.webp' & '.mp4' file types are accepted) - Select the media item from your device that is to be uploaded. We only accept certain file types, which are currently JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and WEBP for images, and MP4 for videos.
  4. Finally, tap or click Upload File.


If you were directed to the  Media (i.e. when setting a Featured image for a Page) once your image is uploaded it will be automatically set, and you will be redirected to the screen you were previously on before being directed to the  Media.


Uploaded image are automatically converted to 12 different sizes for different devices and uses. They are also converted to the popular, and Google preferred, WEBP file format for each size. This dramatically improves on page SEO by offering smaller image files for the device being used by your visitors. This is an automated process, however there are Image Tools available to adjust some aspects of uploaded image. See,

How do I set/ use an uploaded image or video

To use an image or video that you have uploaded, do the following:-

  1. When you are directed to the  Media screen (i.e. when setting a Featured image on a Page) on the Your images tab scroll through the displayed media items.
  2. When you find the uploaded item that you want to use, simply tap or click it for it to be automatically set. You will then automatically be redirected to the page you were on before being directed to the  Media screen.

How do I edit an uploaded image or video?

To edit basic details for an uploaded image or video, do the following:-

  1. First tap or click  Media from the menu;
  2. Then, tap or click the image or video you want to edit;
  3. Now update the displayed fields as needed:-
    • Title/ alt description - Enter a detailed description of the media item you are uploading. Try to keep this between 10 and 25 characters long. This is used by search engines (such as Google), as well as screen readers and will show in place of the media item if the visitors device is unable to show the media itself.
    • Credit name - Enter the name of the person or business that you need to give credit to for this media item. When this field is blank your website name will be used.
    • Copywrite owner - Enter the name of the person or business that holds the copywrites this media item. When this field is blank your website name will be used.
    • Creator name - Enter the name of the person or business that captured this media item. When this field is blank your website name will be used.
    • Show in home page gallery - Choose if this media item is to be shown in the home page Gallery section.
    • Media tag - This is optional, but including it will allow you to group similar images together. You can then select this Media tag on one of your Pages, where all media with the same tag will show in the Pages Gallery section. You can only enter 1 tag here. If you have used tags on other media items that you have created, they will be displayed below. Simply tap or click one of them to add it as a tag for this media item too. Tags are not to be confused with hashtags that are used on social platforms, or marketing campaign tags, like the ones in Google Tag Manager.
    • Use this media item when 'no media' is available - This option will ensure that this media item is used on your website if an image or video has not been selected for a page or website section, and will also be used if a media item cannot be found. For example if you have not set or have deleted a Pages Featured image this media item will be displayed in its place. You can only set this on one media item, so setting Yes here will make this the default 'no' media' item. Its best to set this on a general 'one case fits all' image, rather than a video.
  4. Finally, tap or click Save Changes.

How do I change the compression used on an uploaded image?

When uploading images you will choose an Image Compression method. Image compression reduces the final image file size, generally without any visible loss of image quality.  You may want to choose a different compression method after the upload, for example you notice some image quality issues after the compression. 

To change the image compression method on an uploaded image, do the following:-

  1. First tap or click  Media from the menu;

  2. Then, tap or click the image or you want to adjust;
  3. Finally, under Image Tools, tap or click one of the following options:-
    • Reprocess image with No compression - this will remove the compression applied to the image and will lead to a larger file size when compared to other compression methods;
    • Reprocess image with Low compression - this will apply a lower level of compression and will lead to a slightly larger file size when compared to Standard compression;
    • Reprocess image with Standard compression - this is the default option, and is generally recommended for good on page SEO.


If you have previously run one of the Enhancement options, changed the Crop Style, or applied a Watermark under Image Tools those tools will need to be run again following the compression. Running the Compression tool multiple times will not compound the effect, as the compression will recreate the images using the master image file that you originally uploaded.

How do I change the crop style on an uploaded image?

When images are uploaded they are automatically created in multiple versions for different devices and uses on your website. By default images are cropped equally from the outside in, however there may be occasions where you would prefer to keep the left or the right side of the image visible and crop out the opposite side instead.

To change the crop style on an uploaded image, do the following:-

  1. First tap or click  Media from the menu;

  2. Then, tap or click the image or you want to adjust;
  3. Finally, under Image Tools, tap or click one of the following options:-
    • Crop Center (center of image is important) - this is the default image processing style when an image is uploaded. It will crop all the image edges to keep the image centered;
    • Crop Right (left of image is important) - this will crop the right side of the image out to keep the left side visible;
    • Crop Left (right of image is important) - this will crop the left side of the image out to keep the right side of the image visible.


If you have previously run one of the Enhancement options, or applied a Watermark under Image Tools those enhancements will need to be run again.

How do I enhance an uploaded image?

If the uploaded image is of poor quality (i.e. pixelated) you can try to enhance the image by doing the following:-

  1. First tap or click  Media from the menu;

  2. Then, tap or click the image or you want to enhance;
  3. Finally, under Image Tools, tap or click one of the following options:-
    • Enhance image quality (conservative) - this option will apply subtle sharpening and despeckling;
    • Enhance image quality (aggressive) - this option will apply a stronger sharpening effect and will add a slight blur to overly pixilated areas.


You should always upload high quality images, poor quality images cannot be transformed in to high quality images. These enhancement options can be run multiple times to increase their effect. To undo any enhancements run one of the other Image Tools, such as Rotate or Compression, as these tools use the master image file to reset previous changes.

How do I rotate an uploaded image?

To rotate an uploaded image, do the following:-

  1. First tap or click  Media from the menu;

  2. Then, tap or click the image or you want to rotate;
  3. Finally, under Image Tools, tap or click one of the following options:-
    • Rotate image by 90 degrees;
    • Rotate image by 180 degrees;
    • Rotate image by 270 degrees.


Once you select a rotation option the image will be reprocessed using the master image file, if you have previously run any of the other Image Tools, such as EnhancementCompression, or applied a Watermark, they will have to be run on the image again.

How do I add a Watermark to an uploaded image?

To apply a Watermark to your image, doing the following:-

  1. First tap or click  Media from the menu;

  2. Then, tap or click the image or you want to add a Watermark on;
  3. Finally, under Image Tools, tap or click one of the following options:-
    • Apply Watermark - Logo - this option will faintly overlay your website logo multiple times over the image. If you do not have a logo image set then a generic © will be used instead;
    • Apply Watermark - Text - this option will faintly overlay your websites name multiple times over the image.

How do I delete an uploaded image or video?

To delete an uploaded image or video, do the following:-

  1. First tap or click  Media from the menu;
  2. Then tap or click the media item you want to delete;
  3. Now tap or click Delete and then tap or click Ok on the popup notice.

How do I access and use stock images and videos?

To use a stock image or video, do the following:-

  1. When you are directed to the  Media screen (i.e. when setting a Featured image on a Page) tap or click Our stock images tab;
  2. Then use the Filter images by category - Use the dropdown box to select the category that best fits your use case. dropdown box to select the image category that best fits your use case;
  3. Finally, scroll through the displayed media items. When you find one that you want to use, simply tap or click it for it to be automatically set. You will then automatically be redirected to the page you were on before being directed to the  Media screen.