How do I set-up an e-mail account on an iPad?
If you Sign in to your account the details on this page will be customised to you.
To set up an e-mail account on your iPad do the following:-
- First, from the home screen, find and then tap the Settings icon;
- Then scroll down and tap Accounts & Passwords;
- Now tap Add Account...;
- Now scroll down and tap Other;
- Then tap Add Mail Account;
- Enter the requested information and then tap Next;
- Name - this is your name;
- Email - this is your full e-mail address;
- Password - this is your e-mail account password (this is case sensative);
- Description - this will default to your e-mail address, but you can change this to anything you like.
- Ensure IMAP is selected and that your Name, Email & Description have been carried over;
- Now scroll down and enter the requested information and then tap Next;
- Incoming Mail Server:-
- Host Name - this must be set to;
- User Name - this is your full e-mail address;
- Password - this is your e-mail account password (this is case sensative);
- Outgoing Mail Server:-
- Host Name - this must be set to;
- User Name - this is your full e-mail address;
- Password - this is your e-mail account password (this is case sensative);
- Use SSL - this must be set to On;
- Authentication - this must be set to Password;
- Port - this must be 465.
- Incoming Mail Server:-
- Now make sure that mail syncing is turned on (tap the toggle switch next to Mail to the on position);
- Finally tap Save.
This guide was created for the iOS 10.3.4 operating system, the steps below may be different on other versions of iOS.