How do I setup a shipping module?

There a 9 separate shipping modules available, each with different customisable options and features, and you can enabled all or just a select few - however you will need to have at least 1 enable to allow your customers to successfully checkout.

To configure the shipping modules, do the following:-

  1. First tap or click  Ecommerce from the menu;
  2. Then tap or click the Shipping Options tab;
  3. Now tap or click the shipping module you want to configure (details for configuring each module are further down in this article):-
    • S1 - used to charge a flat rate per item in the order;
    • S2 - used to charge a flat rate for the entire order;
    • S3S4S5S6, & S7 - all of these are used to charge different rates based on the number of items in the order, or based on the weight of the order;
    • S8 - used to offer free shipping for orders over a certain value;
    • S9 - used for collection in store.
  4. Once you have configured your chosen shipping module tap or click Save Changes.


You can customise the units of measurement used in your store (i.e. changing weights from kg to lbs), see


Changing the logo used for a shipping module will change the logo displayed on past orders in your dashboard, this is because the image itself is not saved with the order (the dashboard will get the shipping modules current image). However making other shipping module changes will not affect the other information on past orders.


Shipping Module - S1

This shipping module is used to charge a flat rate (fixed price) per item that the customer is checking out with. For example if the the customer has 5 items in their basket and the flat rate is 2.00 the shipping cost would be 10.00.

This module has the following configuration options:-

  • Shipping name - this is the name displayed to the customer (i.e. Royal Mail - Standard);

  • Logo - select a pre-set courier logo that will show to customers on the shipping screen and other areas of your site;
  • Option status - set as Enabled to offer this shipping option or Disabled to turn it off;
  • Shipping charge - this is the amount to be charged per item the customer is checking out with (i.e. 2.00);
  • Min delivery days - this is the soonest the customer can receive their order (i.e. 2 days);
  • Max delivery days - this is the longest the customer could wait to receive their order (i.e. 5 days);
  • Tax rate - this is the tax rate to be added to the Shipping charge above.

Shipping Module - S2

This shipping module is used to charge a flat rate (fixed price) for the complete order. For example if the the customer has 5 items in their basket and the flat rate is 5.00 the shipping cost would be 5.00.

This module has the following configuration options:-

  • Shipping name - this is the name displayed to the customer (i.e. Royal Mail - Express);

  • Logo - select a pre-set courier logo that will show to customers on the shipping screen and other areas of your site;
  • Option status - set as Enabled to offer this shipping option or Disabled to turn it off;
  • Shipping charge - this is the total amount to be charged on the order (i.e. 5.00);
  • Min delivery days - this is the soonest the customer can receive their order (i.e. 1 days);
  • Max delivery days - this is the longest the customer could wait to receive their order (i.e. 3 days);
  • Tax rate - this is the tax rate to be added to the Shipping charge above.

Shipping Module - S3, S4, S5, S6, & S7

These shipping modules are all configured the same way and are used to calculate the shipping costs based on table rates (different prices based on the item count or order weight). In this module you will specify a table of rates which will be used to calculate the shipping cost.

An example of table rates are below:-

Weight/ Item Count

1 2.50
2 3.00
3 5.00
4 6.50
5 7.00

Using the table above, if the module is set to calculate by Item count and the customer checks out with 4 products, the shipping charge would be 6.50. If the module is set to calculation by Weight and the order weight is 1.5kg the shipping charge would be 3.00 (because the weight is greater than 1 but less than 3).

This module has the following configuration options:-

  • Shipping name - this is the name displayed to the customer (i.e. DHL Europe);

  • Logo - select a pre-set courier logo that will show to customers on the shipping screen and other areas of your site;
  • Option status - set as Enabled to offer this shipping option or Disabled to turn it off;
  • Shipping table rate - this is where you will detail the rates (similar to the table in the example above). You can detail these by item count or order weight (you'll specify this in the Rate calculated by filed below) To add more rows to the rate table simply tap or click Add a new rate. If you add too many, that you don't need, just leave the fields blank and they will be deleted when you save your changes at the end;
  • Handling charge - use this field if you want to add a fixed price, per package, on the final shipping cost;
  • Rate calculated by - select Item count if the rates you entered above are to be use to count the products in the customers basket or Order weight if the rates you entered above are to be used based on the total order weight;
  • Zone - you can make this shipping option available to only selected areas of the world (i.e. Europe) - If the customers delivery address is outside of the selected area the shipping option will not be available for use;
  • Min delivery days - this is the soonest the customer can receive their order (i.e. 2 days);
  • Max delivery days - this is the longest the customer could wait to receive their order (i.e. 5 days);
  • Tax rate - this is the tax rate to be added to the calculated S hipping table rate above.


You can set each of these 5 shipping modules up in different configurations (i.e. S3 for DHL calculated by order weight and S5 for UK Mail charged by the number of items in an order - all using different rate costs and calculations).


If these modules have their Rate calculated by option set to Weight the shipping module will use the General Shipping Options to calculate packaging weight and maximum weight per package. See


Shipping Module - S8

This shipping module is used to offer free shipping when a customers order is over a certain value. This shipping option will not be displayed to the customer if there basket value is less than the qualifying amount you specify.

This module has the following configuration options:-

  • Shipping name - this is the name displayed to the customer Free Shipping and cannot be edited;

  • Logo - select a pre-set courier logo that will show to customers on the shipping screen and other areas of your site;
  • Option status - set as Enabled to offer this shipping option or Disabled to turn it off;
  • Offer free shipping on order value greater than - this is the amount that the customer needs checkout with in order to qualify for free shipping (i.e. 50.00);
  • Min delivery days - this is the soonest the customer can receive their order (i.e. 3 days);
  • Max delivery days - this is the longest the customer could wait to receive their order (i.e. 7 days);

Shipping Module - S9

This shipping module is used to allow the customer to collect the order from your physical location, it is not possible to charge a fee for this.

This module has the following configuration options:-

  • Shipping name - this is the name displayed to the customer Collect in store and cannot be edited;

  • Logo - select a pre-set courier logo that will show to customers on the shipping screen and other areas of your site;
  • Option status - set as Enabled to offer this shipping option or Disabled to turn it off;
  • Min delivery days - this is the soonest the customer can collect their order (i.e. 0 days);
  • Max delivery days - this is the longest the customer has to collect their order (i.e. 7 days);