How do I create Special Pricing?
You can easily discount specific (or all) of the products in your catalogue for special events (like Black Friday). The discounted price is automatically enabled on the dates you set and disabled when the date has past, this feature is called Special Pricing.
Batch Special Pricing
To create a Special Price on multiple products at once do the following:-
- First tap or click Ecommerce from the menu;
- Then tap or click Create new special price (batch) under the Batch Special Pricing table;
- Now complete the following fields:-
- Batch special pricing name: Enter a short description to identify the special pricing (i.e Black Friday discount for 2023), this is only used to help you remember what event the discount was created for;
- Sale start date: select the date you want this discount to apply from (i.e. 24/11/2023);
- Sale end date: select the date you want this discount to end on (i.e. 27/11/2023);
- Discount value: enter the value of the discount (i.e. 10.00) - you'll select if this is a Fixed amount or a Percentage in the next field;
- Discount type: select if the Discount value above is a Fixed amount or a Percentage;
- Apply to products priced from: enter the lowest normal price of products that should have this discount applied (i.e. 30.00);
- Apply to products priced to: enter the highest normal price of products that should have this discount applied (i.e. 50.00);
- Finally tap or click Create.
Using the example above, products that are currently priced £30 - £50 will have a discount of £10 or 10% (depending on what was selected under Discount type) applied between 24/11/2023 - 27/11/2023
Product Specific Special Pricing
To create a Special Price on a specific product do the following:-
- First tap or click Ecommerce from the menu;
- Then tap or click the Products tab and then tap or click the product you want to create a special price for;
- Now tap or click Create a new special pricing period under the Special Pricing Periods table;
- Now complete the following fields:-
- Sale start date: select the date you want this discount to apply from (i.e. 24/11/2023);
- Sale end date: select the date you want this discount to end on (i.e. 24/11/2023);
- Sale price: enter the new price to be applied for this product during the dates above (i.e. £35).
- Finally tap or click Create.