How do I send an e-mail to a Customer?

To send an e-mail to a customer via their account do the following:-

  1. First open the customer account that you would like to e-mail;
  2. Then tap or click the Send an e-mail tab;
  3. Now enter your e-mail subject under E-mail heading, which is a required item;
  4. Now enter your message to the customer under E-mail body. Some information will be pre-populated in this field, update as nessasary. A Notice and discalimer will be added to the end of the e-mail, a copy of this is displayed just below the E-mail body field and cannot be edited;
  5. Finally tap or click Send now.


A copy of this e-mail will be kept in the Communications section of the customers account. 


When you tap or click Send now this will send your e-mail straight away without a preview or confirmation. You cannot cancel sending or recall your message once you tap or click this.