Troubleshooting in firefox

  1. Make sure you are using Firefox version 44 or newer;
    • To check your current Firefox version on a PC tap or click the Menu icon, then tap of click Help and then select About Firefox. The current version is detailed underneath the Firefox name;
    • To check your current Firefox version on an Android device tap or click the Menu icon, then tap of click Settings, now select Mozilla Firefox and then select About Firefox.The current version is detailed underneath the Firefox name.
  2. Make sure you are not using Firefox's Private Browsing mode, Web Push Notifications do not work in this mode;
  3. Make sure notifications are enabled;
    • To check if notifications are enabled tap or click the Padlock in the web address bar, Show Notificaions must be set to Allow.
  4. Try Clearing your cache and resetting push permissions below.

Troubleshooting in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is available on multiple platorms, including PC, iOS and Android:-

Google Chrome for PC

  1. Make sure you are using a modern version of Google Chrome. We recommend Google Chrome version 48 or newer, though Google Chrome from version 42 is supported;

    • To check your current Google Chrome version tap or click the Menu icon, then tap of click Help and then select About Google Chrome -or- type chrome://help/ in to the web address bar.
  2. Make sure you are not browsing in Incognito mode or Guest browsing mode. Notifications are disabled in Incognito mode, and Guest browsing mode is the same as Incognito mode;
  3. Make sure you are not using Google Chrome in full screen mode. In full screen mode, Google Chrome hides notifications;
  4. Make sure notifications are enabled;
    • To check if notifications are enabled tap or click the Padlock in the web address bar, Notificaions must be set to Allow.
  5. Try Clearing your cache and resetting push permissions below.

google chrome for ios

Web Push Notifications do not work on iOS devices (iPhone and iPads) because Safari for iOS does not support Web Push Notifications. Apple only supports native app notifications at this time.

google chrome for Android

To get push notifications, please make sure you are running Google Chrome on Android, and:-

  1. The version is 42 or newer;
    • To check your current Google Chrome version tap the Menu icon, then tap Settings and then select About Chrome.
  2. You are not in Incognito / Private Browsing mode;
  3. You have notifications enabled;
    • To check whether notifications are enabled in Google Chrome on Android, tap the Padlock in the web bar. You will see a pop-up window which should confirm Notifications - Allowed. If notifications are Blocked then tap Site Settings, then Notifications and then Allow.
  4. Try Clearing your cache and resetting push permissions below.

Clearing your cache and resetting push permissions

Even if your settings are configured correctly, if you had previously used incorrect settings, push notifications may not work due to invalid permission or background worker states. These steps will reset notification permissions, clear your browser storage, and remove our background worker.

Google Chrome for PC

  1. Tap of click the Padlock in the web address bar;
  2. Make sure Notifications is set to Allow. If not you can change this by tapping or clicking the drop down arrown, then select Always allow on this site;
  3. Now tap or click SIte Settings;
  4. A new page will open called Content Settings ..., under Cookies tap or click All cookies and site data...;
  5. In the Cookies and site data page tap or click Remove all at the top of the screen;
  6. Now close Google Chrome and all open tabs - this is an important step (don't skip it);
  7. Open Google Chrome and type chrome://serviceworker-internals/ in a new tab;
  8. Then tap or click the Stop and Unregister buttons under any Scopes that contain If they won't remove, make sure you closed Google Chrome in step 6 above or try restarting your PC;
  9. Now when you revisit our website this will automatically restart the Web Push Notifications service;
  10. Finally  Sign in to your account so that our server can sync your device data.

Google Chrome for android

  1. Tap the Padlock in the web address bar;
  2. Now tap Site Settings;
  3. Then tap Clear & Reset, and then Clear & Reset again;
  4. Finally  Sign in to your account so that our server can sync your device data.


You may be notified that wants to send you notifications, Make sure you tap Allow.

Firefox for PC

  1. Tap or click the Padlock next to the web address bar;
  2. Make sure Show Notifications is set to Allow;
  3. On the same dialog, tap or click the > button and then tap or click More Information;
  4. On the Page Info popup dialog that opens, tap or click the Permissions tab, then find the Maintain Offline Storage section, and tap or click the Clear Storage button;
  5. Now close and reopen Firefox and  Sign in to your account so that our server can sync your device data.

Firefox for android

  1. First tap the Padlock in the web address bar;
  2. Then tap on Edit Site Settings;
  3. Then tap check box next to Notifications to place a tick in it then tap Clear;
  4. Now go to the History panel on your home screen;
  5. Tap on Clear browsing history at the bottom of the History panel;
  6. Then tap OK to confirm;
  7. Now  Sign in to your account so that our server can sync your device data.

Safari for MaC OS X

  1. On the top menu bar tap or click Safari, then Preferences, then Notifications and remove;
  2. Then in the same Preferences dialog, go to the Privacy tab and click Clear Website Data;
  3. Now open Safari and  Sign in to your account so that our server can sync your device data.